I don't know too much about these blog tagging games, but this one sounded easy enough to do. The instructions were to post 2 photos........one from your front door and one from your back door. So below is an untouched photo from what we call our front door, even though its actually at the back of the house. (The front of our farmhouse doesn't have a door.........this scene is looking out of our most-used door, the one which directs everyone toward farmwork.)
Here's what "tagging" really means on our farm........getting an eartag with your name on it! Ouch!! This pile of tags are ones that have fallen out of cow's ears........I retraced the names with the black marker and Husband will reinsert them into the cows' ears.
Now, back to my blog "tagging" task........I'm supposed to tag at least three other bloggers. Hm-m......let's see.......ok, here goes: Sugar Creek Farm , The Little Egg Farm , and A Feather Adrift (Sherry, I know you don't upload your own photos yet, but maybe you could find pictures on the Web that are similar to the views out your front and back doors.......)
Ok, you three tagged ones.......you're IT.......so, hop to IT and play along!!
Thanks Jeannelle, but I don't know as I have the time to search the web any more today. :( Just call me the antique computer lady! lol.
Hi, Antique Computer Lady:
You don't have to do it today!
Isn't the sunshine and warmth wonderful today!
I'm glad you enjoyed playing, Jeannelle. It's always interesting to see where we all live.
Thanks for the sweet comment about my blog. Sometimes I wonder and am filled with doubt. You didn't know that, did you?
Country Girl,
You mislead us with your confidence and your kind encouragement of others! I've drawn much sustenance from your blogging techniques...... your daily posts, great writing, and beautiful and fun photos. Keep up the good work!
And thanks for directing your readers to Bitstop's blog.....I love seeing the sights from Newfoundland!
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