Sunday, November 30, 2008
Advent of Snow
X for St. Andrew
Well, no matter.......I have always enjoyed gazing at these colorful, quilt-like windows which from a distance appear to be full of X's enclosed in circles. Today, November 30, is St. Andrew's Day. Tradition says that St. Andrew was crucified on an X-shaped cross.......if you take the previous link and scroll down the page aways, you will see a painting of St. Andrew on the Saltire, which is the name for the X-shaped cross used on flags and in heraldry.
My church's name is not St. Andrew's Lutheran........but, I think it could be called that because of these windows.
Have a blessed St. Andrew's Day!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Silly Name Meme
Friday, November 28, 2008
Twin Cities Cyber-Trip
Thursday, November 27, 2008
SkyWatch #20
Thank you so much for stopping by! Happy SkyWatching! (If you're viewing this on Thursday and are celebrating the U.S. holiday.......Happy Thanksgiving, too! Oh-h, I'm so full of turkey, I can hardly move.......gotta go wash the dishes now.)
Jacob's Journal
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2008 08:29 AM, CST:
"Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving! Well, Jacob is like a new born baby, he has his nights and days mixed up. We were up all night. He wanted breakfast at 2:00 o'clock this morning. His thinking is a little behind. So we are going to keep him up all day today and make him walk in the halls alot, which we already have done twice today. He is wanting to eat and drink. He will try to bargain for more liquids. He is still restricted on the fluids to 1 liter. His MRI was good. So the more up and about he is, the better. We set goals every day. Today's goal is to STAY AWAKE, walk more and be in the chair for most of the day.
Bye for now.
The next episode of the young and the wrestler will be later today."
"We have had major improvements in Jacob's recovery today. The docs have decided to let Jacob drink all the gaterade he wants, but no water. Gaterade has sodium and water doesn't. The more sodium he takes in, the less they have to give him through the iv. So here comes the french fries and cheese burgers. The swelling in his eyes is going down and he can see through his peepers again. He is more alert and is staying awake longer. We had him in the chair for 3 hrs. today all ready. Hopefully, we won't be in the ICU to much longer. If you are thinking of coming down, please call to make sure what room of floor we are on.
Until the next time.
This is the young and the wrestler."
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thankful For Emptiness
If you knew me as well as I know me.....which no one does, of would be cheering because my accomplishment of cleaning up a corner of the house means that my mood must be much better than normal for this time of the year. There have been other years when I felt simply paralyzed as the month of November wore on, with its diminishing hours of light each day, and the upcoming prospect of the holidays, when I'm supposed to be giddily cheerful and happy about everything. What a drag on my family I was at those times. Moms are supposed to be enthusiastic about Christmas decorating and shopping and baking, don't cha know. (Want to imitate a northern Iowa/Minnesota accent? Emphasize an "oh" sound in that phrase, "d-oh-n cha kn-oh-w". My daughter---who is a teacher/coach near Des Moines---gets teased about her "Minnie-soh-ta" accent all the time. And, in my opinion, her husband---who grew up in Des Moines---has a slightly southern accent---like Missouri people do. Funny how that all works. Sorry for the digression.)
Also, please don't come to the erroneous conclusion that the rest of my house looks like this corner---free of clutter---because it definitely does not! But, at least there is this corner of peace and emptiness to which I can flee when the rest of the house and all the holiday responsibilities seem overwhelming. I'm determined to keep this corner cleared out.......oh, we will put the Christmas tree here......but, after that, I want to keep the area free of STUFF. Then when little ones are here they can play in this corner, or we can put up a card table here for games or for extra seating at mealtimes. Or I can just stand there within the emptiness and gaze blissfully out at the trees in the yard, reveling in this small space which is FREE OF CLUTTER!
Here's one of my favorite autumn decorations---a wreath of colored leaves made out of old barn wood. At least, I assume it is made from old boards from a farm building. I bought this unique wreath a few years ago at a local craft consignment shop. Its hanging next to the double doors in the photo above. (The porch beyond looks so white because its floor was covered with snow when I took the picture the other day.) I enjoy fall decorations and am sad when its time to take them down. Maybe I should just leave this wreath up! Hey......that's an idea......maybe I'll do that!
Here's hoping there's a peaceful, uncluttered spot somewhere in your house.......or in your mind......where you can retreat, even just for brief moments, whenever the need arises during the holiday season! If you don't have an empty spot.......then MAKE ONE!! Push some stuff aside and make room for a little peace and emptiness in your house and life. Take back something that belongs to you in the first place!
Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunny Positions
How do you prefer the scene to be served? In black & white.......or color?
Please whisper a prayer for a boy named Jacob, my son's friend and cousin.......the one who collapsed at wrestling practice on Saturday and was rushed to Iowa City for emergency surgery for bleeding in his brain. I've been reading his Caring Bridge updates regularly. Jake is still in ICU because his blood pressure is very high and they're trying to figure out what is causing that. His mom wrote that the bleeding situation was caused by a blood clot, so they need to get to the bottom of what caused it. Jake is a should have seen him play football this fall. He's short, but tough, and always the first one to the scene of the action, often tackling guys much bigger than himself. In his Caring Bridge guestbook are many well wishes from this year's opposing coaches......they all respected Jake's tenacious style of play.
Hotmail Problem
Turkey Day Funnies
The email forward came from a Lutheran pastor, so I figured they were suitable for public viewing........hopefully no one is offended........especially any turkeys out there who might be reading this!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Ear Corn Picking

Sweet Sixteen Niece
And, he would hover over his charge, ever ready to provide comfort in times of distress. (It couldn't possibly be the case that he might have caused the distress in the first way!)
Once again......Happy Birthday, Niece! Kindly follow your parents' rules---they have your best interests in mind......use good carefully, etc.......and God bless you always!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Snow Graphics
Christ the King Sunday

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Closer To Truth
Anyhow the show was fascinating. Here is one of the interviews from today's show. I agree wholeheartedly with Michael Shermer........that there is no "paranormal".......the fact is we simply don't fully understand the "normal" yet......we are largely ignorant of many of the workings of our own mind and the physical world. There were several other interviews in the show that are not on videos on the website yet. One was with Rupert Sheldrake in England, the scientist who developed a controversial "morphic field" theory. I've read about that before. Its how flocks of birds and schools of fish move in synchrony. Sheldrake claims this also occurs in groups of people who are closely connected emotionally by family or social ties. My older son---an electrical engineer---studied a similar theory in college in connection with electricity and magnetic fields. Fascinating! Sorry to be so weird.....but, I love this kind of stuff! The intersection of science and intriguing crossroads!
Shadowy Tails Tale
Whaddaya lookin' at, punk?! So I have milk dripping from my chin......wanna make somethin' of it, do ya?!
After the feeding.........dogs pout and cats primp & preen!
And, guys drool and gals rule......sorry, guys......but, you know its true! Heeheehee.
These animal friends could care less what day of the week or year today is........but, Happy Saturday before Thanksgiving, anyway!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Scribbler Award

1. Pass the award on to 5 others.
2. Link to the this case A Feather Adrift, linked to above.
3. Display the award as you see above.
4. Link to this Scholastic Scribe blogpost, which explains the award.
5. Link through that Post and add your name to the list of recipients.
6. Post the rules as you see here!
Frightening Discovery
Post-Harvest Fieldwork
This next photo shows the plow raised up during a turn. It usually takes me a few turns to get comfortably into the routine........pull hydraulic lever back; turn steering wheel sharply, being sure to avoid hitting the fence; press foot on left or right brake, depending on which way your turn is going---you want to brake the rear wheel on the side you are turning to---otherwise you'll go sliding out of control and end up somewhere you don't want to be, and in danger of receiving a serious lecture from the boss! (Ya might even get fired!) Then, once the turn is complete, I press the other side's brake to straighten the tractor in the field, while at the same time pushing the hydraulic lever forward to drop the plow into the ground again. Ya got all that? The tractor is barreling along all the while you're doing all this, so you better know ahead of time what your turning plan is! Be prepared! Planning in advance is the secret to success!
In my mind, thoughts of acquaintances, friends and family, living and passed on, came and went, often prompted by whatever song was playing on the radio. The songs and my thoughts seemed so entwined, I felt like contacting the radio station to see if they were employing mindreaders! Don't be alarmed.....that's just my normal paranoia kicking in.
I've mentioned that the field had been recently covered with a fresh coat of cow manure.......fertilizer for next spring's crop. This final photo shows Husband pulling the filled-to-the-brim manure spreader a few days ago. Fill it to the rim with ___! You betcha!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Interesting Link
Sky Watch #19

These scenes come to you from northeast Iowa, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
Happy SkyWatching!