Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wow, its been a long time since I've done a blogpost. 
Let's see if I can remember how to post a photo.
Yup, here's one:

This scene is a drive-by shot taken last fall.  I lightened it a little to bring out the highlights that were compliments of the late afternoon or early evening sun.  Why did I choose this photo?  No reason except for the fact that I like it.  I'm not even sure where it was taken.

I haven't been taking many photos lately.  Its that time of year when I don't feel like doing much except the necessary chores and then after that mostly watch TV. Recently, I decided to start keeping a handwritten journal to try and prod myself into a better state of mind.  Actually, I think it helps, though I still have the TV on.

Now I'll find out if I can remember how to change the color of the blog's background.  Yup, mission accomplished.