Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Casablanca Quiz

What's Bogart doing on a dairy farm blog? Why must we leap from pondering newborn calves to remembering a famous movie from the 1940's? Can't this blogger stayed focused? No, she can't.

Sunday afternoon my college daughter unexpectedly made a visit home here to the farm. She and I enjoyed a pleasant, animated conversation, which is typical for us, as is an occasional heated argument. Such are the dynamics of our mother-daughter relationship.

As we were chatting along, my daughter suddenly said, "I've never seen Casablanca." I said, "Well, I think we have it on VHS, so let's watch it this afternoon, if you have time." She did, so we did, and I'm glad we did, for what a great story, well-told, is the movie, Casablanca! Well-told is the key, I believe.

In its honor, here's a Casablanca quiz for you. Don't feel bad if you don't know many of the answers-----I wouldn't know them either if I hadn't just watched the movie. If this prompts you to find a way to watch Casablanca ASAP, then this post's purpose will be fulfilled!

1. In what country is the city of Casablanca located? (2 words)


2. Sam is first shown singing what song?


3. What is Ilsa's last name?


4. What is Ilsa's husband's name?


5. What is Rick's last name?


6. What was the name of Rick's bar in Paris?


7. What is the name of Rick's rival bar in Casablanca......and the name of the man who runs it?


8. Where did Rick hide the letters of transit?


9. Rick rigged a roulette game to help a young Bulgarian man win enough money to buy an exit visa.......what was the winning number on the roulette wheel?


10. What is the final line spoken in the film.......by whom to whom, and where were they?


If you wish, post your answers in the comments section. If you don't wish.....that's fine, too. Just go watch the movie. I'll post answers to any unanswered questions in a couple days.

Casablanca is famous for its plethora of very memorable lines. What is your favorite? I have a few, or probably many......including:


Rick to Ilsa, concerning the last time they saw each other in Paris: "......the Germans wore gray.......you wore blue." (Wow......focused awareness in the midst of chaotic distraction.)


Rick to Ilsa: "Who are you really.....and what were you before? What did you do.......and what did you think, huh?" (Wow......the key to winning fair lady.......show interest in her.......especially in what she thinks. Better yet.....actually BE interested in what she thinks!)


Rick to the desperate young Bulgarian woman: "Everyone in Casablanca has problems........yours may work out." (Wow.......optimism in the midst of pessimism.)


Concerning the famous line "Play it again, Sam".......if anyone can find it in the movie, let me know. What is actually said is, "Play it, Sam." and "Sing it, Sam."


Have a pleasant day, and remember.......The fundamental things apply, as time goes by.......


Gracious Acres said...

I just found your blog from your comment at Sugar Creek Farm. Really enjoy your commentary and photos. Thanks and have a blessed day!

Jeannelle said...

Welcome, "gracious acres" (what a lovely name)! Thank you for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Came looking for the calves, but discovered I know nothing about this movie (except that I could misquote that one line!) As always, your blog is great :)

Jeannelle said...

Hi caution.....do find Casablanca and watch it. Some say it is one of the greatest movies ever made.

The Schwans guy was just here.....somehow I managed to mention Casablance to him.....he's never watched it either. I told him to be sure and watch it!

You reminded me I need to finalize those two calves' names and make the nametags. Thanks!

Sherry said...

I can't answer any Jeannelle, but then I don't care for mr Bogart at all. Hehe, Parker likes him but dislikes Casablanca. Go figure. I came for the baby calves...Soooo cute. I want one! lol.

Your pics are great, and get better all the time!

Mary Connealy said...

First song, I only know one so I'll guess, "As Time Goes By"

The club, Ricks??

The country, I'll guess Monte Carlo, but that doesn't sound right.

Uh...Ilsa Lund. this one I really think is right, the rest are guesses.

Is her husband Lund, too????

Last line? I think it's, "Let's round up the usual suspects."

Jeannelle said...


On the back of the Casablanca tape box it said Rick's part in the movie was initially supposed to be played by Ronald Reagan!!


ONE of your answers is correct! Can you guess which one?!

Mary Connealy said...

ONLY ONE????????

Okay, well drat. :)

No, I was sure about Ilsa Lund so I'd guess that's right, but you have a TONE to your typing that sez NOT.

Jeannelle said...


My typing has a TONE?? :D

Country Girl said...

Casablanca is in Morocco and the continent is Africa.
Rick's establishment is easy and although I already knew it was Rick's Cafe Americain, Bogart is standing in front of the picture in this post!
You're right, nobody ever tells Sam to "play it again".
I think the song he was playing was "As Time Goes By" but I'm not sure.
The end of the movie has Rick and the chief of police, who says something to the effect that he can see the "start of a beautiful friendship", now that Rick is stuck there for good.
I don't know any of the other answers, Jeannelle. But I love that movie. I've always liked Humphrey Bogart. And Ingrid Bergman, what a classic.
Good post! I'm glad you got to watch it with your daughter.

Jeannelle said...

Hi Country Girl,

Your answers are correct, except the name of Rick's bar. I asked for the name of the one in Paris (in the flashbacks), not the one in Casablanca, which is Rick's Cafe Americain.

Thanks for taking the quiz!!

Mary Connealy said...

Hey, I thought of Morocco but Jeanelle said it was two words.
Or was that the bar that was two words.


Anyway I went and Googled around trying to answer your questions and COOL ALERT I googled
Casablanca last words???

This blog came up. First choice, how cool is that.

This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.....

Anonymous said...

Typically me, late to the party. No matter. H. Bogart says to Claude Rains, "This could be the start of a beautiful friendship" as they walk away from the airport and the dead body and the departed plane carrying Ilsa and Victor Lazlo (spelling?)...I think the country is French Morocco, although it might have been Spanish Morocco...I've forgotten the rest of your questions, but this is a great post! Visions of Peter Lorre and Sidney Greenstreet dance in my head. (not really anonymous, rhymeswithplague from georgia)

Anonymous said...

...and Rick's last name is Blaine, isn't it??? (plague again)

Jeannelle said...

Hi, rhymeswithplague!

I'm so glad you popped in here before I posted the answers. Actually, when I was writing this post, the thought went flashing through my head: "Rhymeswithplague" will probably know many of the answers."!!

The answers you gave are correct. Good job.

I enjoyed doing this, and may do it again soon with "Charade".....so, STUDY UP!



That IS cool! Isn't it mind-boggling the connections that are made on the internet!

I'm heading now to post the answers.

Anonymous said...

You have great taste in movies!

The phrase "Play it Again, Sam" was not in the movie, but was the name of a Woody Allen play/movie, in which the ghost of Humphrey Bogart gives Allen advice about women. If you've never seen it, my guess is you'd get some laughs out of it.

I knew Morocco is where Casablanca is, and I knew the final scene, but you stumped me on the rest. And I've seen the movie several times!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Sempringham,

I'm glad you took the quiz! It was fun to write up....and don't think I could come up with those questions and answers after simply watching the movie. I had to take notes and review scenes on the VHS tape.

I'd like to find more Woody Allen movies, and will have to buy them, probably. We're too far away from large movie rental places and our local convenience store does not stock Woody Allen films for some reason, and we don't have cable or a satellite movie service.