Monday, December 21, 2020

Wonderful Life

Have you watched this movie yet this Christmas season?  I haven't, but would like to. 

The movie, "It's A Wonderful Life" is what it is, of course.  I have it on DVD so could watch it at any time.  We do not yet subscribe to a streaming service.  Our kids gave us a smart TV for Christmas last year.  We used the free service, Disney Plus, for awhile, but the last time I tried to use it it asked for a password.  Maybe that means it's not free anymore.  Oh, well, it's still a wonderful life anyway!    

Have a great Monday!

Stay well and safe!


Rose said...

No, I have not watched that movie...but like you I would watch it any time. There are a few like that for me.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I have not watched it yet this year...maybe one day soon:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have only seen it once and would watch again, my time for watching it is very limited since hubby owns the remote control to the tv and does not watch Christmas movies or chick flicks.

Anonymous said...

It’s a Wonderful Life is favorite for me. I love Donna Reed. The chemistry between her and Jimmy Stewart was perfect. I went to her home town of Denison, Iowa where they have a nice little museum dedicated to her. Best to you and yours - John & >^..^<