This will be a story similar to one of my previous posts, "Radio Reminder". This one happened the day before yesterday:
On that day, I had been reading some posts on an online Lutheran discussion board, and was composing in my head a comment to leave there. It was on the subject of the Incarnation of Christ, and I was ruminating throughout the day on certain aspects of Communion......especially the Real Presence.
Late in the afternoon, I walked down the lane to get the mail, and was surprised to find that our neighbor's mail had been delivered to our mailbox by mistake. When I got back to the house, I jumped in the car and drove down the road to give the mail to its rightful owner. As is my habit, I turned the radio on, and the first thing I heard was Mister Mister singing, "'re half of the flesh and blood that makes me whole......" (from their song, "Broken Wings"). Good grief, I thought......that's just what I've been thinking about today, and it went right along with the comment I was trying to put together in my mind to post on the discussion board.
Add up the unusual occurrence of the wrong mail being in our mailbox, and realize that that is the only reason I was in my car and turned on the radio at the exact moment the words of that song were being broadcast. Its fascinating, really. Author Robert Moss says we should always pay attention when unusual and unexpected things happen in our lives----even small, seemingly trivial events----and look for a meaningful message in them.
I have no problem seeing this type of significant coincidence as God's Providence. Carl Jung, of course, called it "synchronicity" or meaningful coincidence, and researched it for years, after noticing it occurring in his own life and the lives of his patients. I think it happens to everyone, but few are paying attention.
Pay attention!!
Mango Lemonade
2 hours ago
You to, eh? God is so Goooood to grace us with His presence in these ways....He is so intimate--love it!!
For me, its good to be able to tell these experiences, and a blog seems to be the best way to do it. It I try speak to anyone about it, they look at me like I'm crazy.
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