This afternoon a case of curiosity came over me; I drove two miles to see how
Elk Run Road was coming along. It looks much better, as you can see. Somebody's coming on a 4-wheeler, though; someone else checking out the flooding situation.
Skywatch Friday - 13 March 2025 Edition
28 minutes ago
I bet he was fugitive from the law! You almost caught him!! *g
Wow, there sure has been a lot of flooding this spring, hasn't there?
Hi, Kacey!
Yes, too much rain this spring, and it may snow later tomorrow.
This guy on the 4-wheeler is probably a farmer going stir-crazy because he can't get into the field to plant corn!
God the rains have been terrible. We are drying out slowly and probably will head out Wednesday for some serious shopping. The Wapsi is not flooding here I don't think, but that is meaning not in a major way. Our friend said it had reached the road but not come across where he is at, and has gone down a bit from yesterday. Haven't heard any worries about the dam in town so I guess they don't expect problems. We listen for Independence and then react accordingly. Here, the creek still hasn't overflowed! lol. Since it sits at the bottom of a holler, it's not likely to.
I can't believe the amount of water in your area! We've had some nice rain here, some thundershowers and such, but no flooding like this (yet)!
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