Yesterday, once again, I had to run some items to the high school; my son forgot his track shoes and uniform. Not a problem, because the route to school, as I have mentioned before, runs through a wetland wildlife preserve area, giving opportunity to view various water birds. A pair of Canada Geese had just waddled out of the water and into the tall grass in this photo below: (I think this wetland is named after Aldo Leopold, but I'm not completely sure. I'm happy this land along the Wapsipinicon River has been allowed to return to its natural wetland state after years of iffy farming attempts.)
Below is an American Coot couple, decked out with white tail-feathers, white beaks, and creepy red eyes
Back at home a short time later, this Baltimore Oriole shown below announced his presence, for the first time this spring. He urged me to send greetings to Kate - AKA CountryGirl, who resides much closer to Baltimore than we Iowans do. (He also told me he enjoys her blog, with the great writing and gorgeous photos; and he's quite confident her satellite system will be a success!)
Speaking of wetlands, if it doesn't quit raining pretty soon, the whole state of Iowa will be declared one!
Oh, lucky you. I've always wanted to see a Baltimore Oriole. I've never seen coots either. I'm so glad I got to see both on your blog today.
Hi, Ruth!
Yes, coots were new to me, too. I had to look them up in the bird book. I thought "coots" were old men!
Thanks for swinging by!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets the "Mom, I forgot (fill in the blank)" call and makes those runs to the school :) I'm just glad we don't live any farther from town than we do!
Yes, I've been running forgotten items to this school and that school for 22 years! Gives me an excuse to drive around!
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