Got to do a fast friend who has the seven daughters just called and wondered if I could ride along with her to the Amish community about 15 miles from here, to shop at the bulk food store. She doesn't know the way, so that's why I'm going along. It should be fun; I haven't been there for several years. Maybe I can sneak my camera along, to get a photo of the workhorses or some buildings........the Amish folks don't care to have their own pictures taken, for religious reasons........they consider it a "graven image".***********************
Yesterday, Miss Kitty basked out in the lawn for awhile, enjoying some leisurely time away from her ever-hungry four kittens. I'm sure she can't wait for them to be weaned........I don't blame her.
The bounteous crop of dandelion blooms were scattered throughout the grass in designs similar to constellations of stars. Hmm.......what could we name this constellation below? I've never understood, really, how star constellations were recognized or rather person may see a certain image in a grouping of stars, and someone else might see a different image. So how were the constellations decided upon?? That's something I've always wondered about.
As Miss Kitty basked and I pondered deep thoughts, Tux was sulking in the shadow of a rusty barrel. He was mad because I didn't take HIS picture when he was lying in the dandelion patch. Oh, my.......its just impossible to keep everyone happy at all times. Why even try!
1- Miss Kitty is beautiful!
2- Although I've not (yet) taken the time to Google how the constellations were named, I suspect it was the Greeks or Romans (my poor old brain can't remember)
3- You have a great eye for seeing constellations in the dandelions! I've squinted and blinked at the photo and haven't come up with any suggestions, though. If you think of one, be sure to let us know.
Hope you have a wonderful time at the Amish shop.
I love Tux's name.
You're right. Those dandelions do look like constellations.
Hi, Pat,
Yes, we love Miss Kitty......she's queen of the farm.
No, I truly have no idea for what to title this dandelion grouping......I could call it one thing and someone else would call it something else. Just like the star constellations......The Big Dipper is easy to figure out, but most of the other ones could be anything. Like did they picture a pair of twins there in those stars???? And, why do I even think about this......
Thanks for visiting!
Hi, Ruth,
Dandelions are considered weeds, but their fresh blooms in the spring are rather pretty, I think.
Thanks for stopping in!
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