Shocking! Absolutely, shocking! The site chosen by the builder of this robin's nest, that is:
The nest is atop an electric fencer box........shocking currents that travel along the wires of what we call "the electric fence" originate in this box. Electric fences are used to keep livestock from wandering away........cattle brush up against the wire and receive a shock, which easily convinces them to stay where they belong! All of us humans on the farm have taken our turn at accidently getting shocked, too, and its not exactly a pleasant experience! The brief, painful jolt of electricity stops you dead in your tracks for a few seconds, and you wonder if your heart is still beating.Below, peer into the nest and see three eggs! Because this nest is situated in a fairly safe place, the eggs may actually survive to become baby robins, although, a heavy rain could possibly wash them away, as their home doesn't appear to be anchored to much of anything. Hopefully, there's enough mud adhering the nest to the fencer box, though it seems the mud might simply dissolve in the rain.
I'm sorry to have to report that both robins' nests on the shoulder of our road are now empty..........
You certainly got my attention with your opening words! Our bird friends do choose some strange places to build their nests. I hope this one will stay together and in place until the eggs hatch and the fledglings are flown. Keep us posted. I'm so sorry to hear about the empty nests on the side of the road; to be expected, I suppose, but sad, nonetheless.
This makes me want to go out wandering with my camera, Jeanelle. I've missed checking in here to see what you've caught from nature.
Sorry about the ground nests. Nature is hard on baby critters.
I'm thinking you have a strain of rather dumb robins over your way! I didn't think those ground nests had much chance...too many predators like coons and possums and cayotes to mess with them. Probably cats too. I hope these do better up on the sizzler box. And yes, everyone has gotten zapped multiple times on a electric fence. LOL>
Hi, one and all!
And there is one more nest to post a photo of in a few days.....another iffy place!
I was hoping you were OK.....maybe out in the fields? Hopefully! Its raining here again today. :(
That's cute...."the sizzler box"! I agree there must be low IQ robins around here this year! Or extremely idealistic ones.
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