Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ominous Sunset

The volatile weather pattern holding Iowa hostage does at least provide for some spectacular sunsets. This evening, the beauty is tempered by the fact that a severe thunderstorm is going on 40 miles away where those dark blue clouds slant upwards on the northwest horizon. The storm area includes the Osage vicinity where the Sugar Creek Farm blog originates. She hasn't posted for a few days, making me wonder if they are dealing with flooding at their farm. Thoughts and prayers go out for them.

There's record high flooding going on right now along the Cedar River.......Waverly, Cedar Falls, and Waterloo are inundated with water. We watch the news reports in horrified awe, and hope and pray that the weather forecasts for more heavy rain the next two days are absolutely wrong!!

All is fine here at our farm. Fields are damp, but we're in no danger from flooding, as we don't live near a river. The worst problem this evening is that there's a bat flitting around on the porch!


Pat - Arkansas said...

Spectacular, indeed! Lordy, Lordy! Y'all don't need any more rain right now. Anybody building an Ark in your neighborhood?

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Pat!

An ark would be a good idea! Take care.