Oh, my goodness sakes, I wish there were some way to convey to you.......or GIVE to you some of the muggy, horrible humidity we have here today!! Ugh! Its so uncomfortable, even the pigeons in this photo are trying to flee the scene!!
On my walk this morning, I found out there's another party going on in the neighborhood........some sort of bug get-together on top of this Queen Anne's Lace bloom. A little sign nearby read: "Come one, come all.......Nectar provided......Bring your own drinking straws!!"
If you read the previous post, you know I have a surprise party planned for this evening to celebrate Husband's 50th birthday. So far, all seems to be going as planned, and he knows nothing about it. He is doing a strange thing right now, though.......washing and waxing his pickup, which he NEVER does. I hope he's not entertaining some crazy notion to go out for supper tonight. If so, I'll have to feign a stomachache or something until our guests arrive!
oh Jeannelle. You make me laugh. Yikes...just look at those bugs....shudder. I hope your party goes as planned and without a 'hitch'. Thanks for coming on over. Visit again some time. I know I'll be popping in here again to check up on that party.
A most amazing bug-fest photo! The flowers must have a very appealing nectar.
Fans! Do you at least have fans? Although I was raised without air conditioning, I now cannot imagine life without it. Spoiled, that's what I am.
Hope everything goes well this evening. If he starts making noises like he wants to leave home for the evening, you may have to sneak out and let the air out of a tire while he's in the shower!
I love Queen Anne's lace, but not quite so buggy.
I'm looking forward to reading how the party went.
The Deep South without air conditioning would be unthinkable. Actually, I remember those days. Farmers (and farmers' wives) tried to get their work done before nine a.m. or after six p.m. where I used to live. The rest of the day one tried to sit in the shade and drink a lot of iced tea. Or maybe I have idealized my childhood beyond recognition.
You don't suppose someone let the cat out of the bag with your hubby about the party?
I believe in the prophetic spirituality of just about everything, so I think the bug party on the Queen Anne's Lace (did you know it is a member of the carrot family?) is a good omen.
OMG Jeanelle how do you survive with no air in this god awful humidity. You are much stronger than I ever could be. Sorry I can't send you some cool air as our humidity is just as bad.
Did you know that queen annes lace was one of Katherine Hepburns favorite flowers? She would not let anyone mow down this huge patch that grew on her property...most people think of them as weeds.
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