Saturday, July 19, 2008

Flowers in the Sauna

I had to post this afternoon to test out my new faster DSL connection; I finally gave in and told the phone company to go ahead and upgrade my connection.......meaning $20 extra to them each month. Its a racket......they give free DSL modems and then offer you a choice of two speed levels. I started at the slower one, of course, but uploading photos was taking too long. Maybe the phone employees sit there and turn the dial to make it slow so that people will then decide to upgrade to the more expensive level. I'm paranoid, I know! The phone people are very nice.......I've known them for years......its none of my business how they run their operation.
But, yes, thankfully, these photos loaded in less than five minutes, where before it took over a half hour.
I don't like to complain, but if I gave even the slightest impression that this muggy weather is agreeable to me, then I would be lying big time! Walks aren't fun right now......nothing is.......sweat is our constant companion. The heat and humidity also makes me feel as if I'm 30 pounds overweight.......but, wait.......that's because I probably am!!!
Anyhow, I tried to walk this morning without my camera, so maybe I'd keep moving. Well, wouldn't you know, there were lots of cool things to see out there, so I had to go back to the house to get the camera anyway.
Here's a Queen Anne's Lace.......certainly not as lovely a photo as you will see on other blogs, but I wanted you to see the dark red bloom in the middle, though I had to snazz it up a bit to make it stand out. And......though I dislike bursting everyone's romantic bubble.......Queen Anne's Lace's true name is Wild Carrot, Daucus carota. says my Peterson Field Guide to Wildflowers. Get over it.


Here's something called Showy Tick Trefoil, Desmodium Canadense. This particular stalk comes complete with ugly copper-colored bugs, which have also invaded my raspberry patch. I don't know what they any of you?


P.S. - Also meant to say that Trefoil flowers are in the pea/bean family and thus are legumes, their roots adding nitrogen to the soil. How cool is that!!!



And, one last scene from this morning's walk in the sauna.......this trio of Turk's Cap or Michigan Lilies, whose photo here loaded the wrong way, sadly. Turn your head sideways to see how I actually saw them this morning!

I really hope its cool wherever you are........'cuz it sure ain't here!!!


Anonymous said...

It ain't here either, that is - cool. WE have lots of flies that just stick to you and won't shoo off for nothing!! I'm heading to Cloudcroft which will be 20 degrees cooler if not down right cold. I hope to stay a week and get out of this heat and these dreadful flies. I've cut and raked the hay and all the office books are done and payday won't happen for another 2 weeks. So I'm gonna paint!!

Jeannelle said...

odd chick,

Oh, good for you! Sounds like fun!! I'm going to look up Cloudcroft on the map....what a unusual name for a town....I like it! Yes, we have lots of annoying flies, too! Enjoy yourself!!

Trish said...

Gosh....We had a week of that heat last week with this week being more bearable...of course my own furnace keeps the temps at an even setting of HIGH!!!!

Wow...what a bountiful supply of photo opportunities you have. I hope you have a wonderful walk tomorrow! Are you going out tomorrow? I think you might as well be resigned to hanging that camera around your neck!

Country Girl said...

Oh, Jeannelle, it's so hot and muggy here and I know exactly what you mean by not bringing the camera on the walks. And even walking is such a chore. The only thing that makes me do it is the excitement of seeing a place for the first time, so I do take my camera and make sure I go out very early or very late in the day.

Congratulations on your new DSL speed! I wasn't able to get DSL when I lived in Maryland, hence the satellite which turned into an expensive disaster. Now THAT was a racket. I don't want to rub it in, and that's not why I'm saying this, but the Verizon FiOS is the best connection I've ever had. I am astounded as to how fast my pictures load. Do you make yours smaller first? I always do that. With the FiOS, they load in seconds.
Interesting flower facts here!

rhymeswithplague said...

Those Turk's caps are almost too beautiful. I have never seen them or even heard of them before. But then I'm doing good to identify a dandelion. Your blog is broadening my horticultural horizons, to say the least.

Anonymous said...

I can certainly sympathize the computer slowness. HAHA. We are going to think about doing satellite again this fall. Just too much trouble with the phone company these days. Sometimes it takes me a good 30 minutes just to finally get a comment posted on your blog. I have to do things exactly right otherwise it just gets all jammed up and does a "explorer cannot locate" crap on me, or eats my comment. It's so frustrating, and the humidity these days is not helping!