Although you cannot see me, I, Freckles the Cow, your substitute bloog-host, am here to escort you to this landmark sight. Here we have the faMOOus "Mt. Rush-MOO-er"........that's right, a sight in some ways similar to the reknowned Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. These faces represent the founding MOOthers of our herd. (Cows ARE girls, remember......if you are confused, read yesterday's post!)
If this MOOnument could speak, it would shout, "RUSH for MORE milk!!" (We cows found out there formerly was a billboard ad campaign in South Dakota using that slogan......we didn't make it up! We're not THAT clever!")
If this MOOnument could speak, it would shout, "RUSH for MORE milk!!" (We cows found out there formerly was a billboard ad campaign in South Dakota using that slogan......we didn't make it up! We're not THAT clever!")
Oh, dear.......your outburst has caused the middle MOOnument face to actually MOOve from its position in order to hide its nostril emanation. That only happens like once in 1000 years or so, so you are witness to quite a unique, stupendous.......not to mention, MOOving event!!
Hold on!! Hoe-lee MOO-lee!! All three of the MOOnument faces have now turned your way!! A MOOmentous, once-in-10,000-year event! See......their names are Darling, Garnet, and Sassy.......the names of the historic, esteemed founding MOOthers.) What are you going to do? Run? Or retort, "Nanna-Nanna-Boo-Boo"?! (Whatever you do, don't say "nanna-nanna-MOO-MOO"!)
You'd better make up your mind quick! As for me, Freckles the Cow.......I'm gettin' outta here.........
See ya toMOOrrow, here on Jeannelle's bloog.......if I survive the day!
Random cow info: Just for you kids/kids-at-heart.
And this just in........Iowa has a new Dairy Princess, crowned recently at the Iowa State Fair. Read about her here in the Waterloo Courier......especially notice that her winning presentation included her rewriting of the fairy tale, "Snow White", transforming the Seven Dwarfs into Seven Dairy Cows who saved her from the Evil Queen's sleeping potion made of a NON-DAIRY beverage!!! I, Freckles the Cow, and the other cows here think this new Iowa Dairy Princess is one clever girl and we are proud that she is representing us!! (Sorry, if any of you read this early.......these final sentences didn't get saved and published last night.)
That is SOO Good!! I looked at the Courier story about the Dairy Princess and she was even dressed in costume! Most deserved winner!
Tell you substitute bloggers they are doing a MOOst magnificant JOOb!! Heh!! I loved the Rush for More Milk campaign!!
Stop by my post and pick up your award! Heh! I nominated your blog for one of my favorite blogs! Well deserved, too, I might add!
Take care!!
Errrr, Freckles, girlfriend, some advice. You better watch your back. You keep on with these types of posts and your owner might think you are trying to take her job. Which means the meat freezer for you errrr Moooooooo. So be careful and don't be posting so good no MOOOOOOOORe.
Hi, Russell,
That's very thoughtful of you to give this bloog an award......I'd like to think that I, Freckles, am part of the reason you did. Thank you very MOOch!
Your comment puzzles me imMOOnsely.....what is this about a "meat freezer"? Jeannelle has never told me about such a thing. What is it?
Although.....Jeannelle did tell me that you do blogposts about politics, so perhaps the meat freezer has a connection to politics. I think I'll "Moogle" the two right now and see what turns up.......H-mm....not much......only the old story of when Dick Cheney shot his friend during a hunting trip.....
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