Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Views of Sarah Palin


I'm trying to become familiarized with Sarah Palin........trying to find out the true story about her, since being a vice-presidential candidate is a serious matter. Its difficult to uncover unbiased truth about anyone involved in politics, however.

1. Here's an opinion From another mother in Wasilla, Alaska, who has a special needs child. This Seattle Times article articulates my own initial reaction to Sarah Palin.


2. Here's the first post on a blog which is very supportive of Gov. Palin. This blogpost is entitled "Draft Sarah Palin for Vice-President". The post is dated March 4, 2007.....that's right, 2007.



Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Thanks, Jeannelle, for doing this background work. I won't comment beyond that because I think my views are clear on my blog, and I don't want to try to use your blog to sway others.

Jeannelle said...


I don't know much about politics, but it appear to be a game. John McCain has made a move now which has both sides over a barrel, really. I hope James Dobson has fun with Sarah Palin......will he hold her up as a model of motherhood? I'll never buy it. She's no different than any other politically ambitious woman who puts career before family.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Yes, I agree.

Jeannelle said...

And, let me add.......Sarah Palin may make a fantastic vice-prez. I'm sure there have been many presidents in the past who were not exactly models of good parenting. I suppose they're two different animals......being a parent and being a political office-holder. Two different things.

And, nobody better try to wow me with the fact that Sarah Palin can shoot and skin a moose. I may not have such a gory ability, but I can drive a mean tractor, and I just returned from rounding up a herd of heifers on my own. Do I think those facts about me should impress anyone, though......NO!!!

Jeannelle said...

Oh, my goodness gracious.....I was trying to set up a DVD for my mom to watch just old Hitchcock film, "The Lady Vanishes", and accidently turned to the local news channel:

John McCain and Sarah Palin are speaking at the Cedar Rapids airport as I type this comment!! Sixty miles away from here. Shucks, and here I sit like a dud.


More of my opinions on Ms. Palin:

There's more to life than being pro-life. It important to be pro-GOOD PARENTING, too, in my opinion. If there were more of the latter going on, there would be fewer unwanted pregnancies, hence less chance for girls/women to seek abortions.

Anonymous said...

Just checking out your blog and wondering how women in America are reacting to Sarah Palin. I for one LOVE her! She's not perfect, and her family, like mine, is imperfect too! Amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. Terrible sinners we all are. I stayed home at great financial sacrifice, sent all 3 kids to Lutheran & Catholic schools and worked at their schools to pay tuition. Older children worked also to help.I listened to Dr. Dobson and bought all his books and many other ministries my kids heard on the radio in our home every day. My husband taught our son to fish and hunt and spent time with our kids. We prayed for them, took them to church and fellowship/prayer groups, tried to teach them right from wrong and you know what? They ALL failed in some way- older son got involved in drugs, oldest daughter married too young and is now divorced after an abusive marriage with 3 young children, and the youngest daughter--well, prodigal is all I can say--she's done it all--still single though. So I cannot throw stones at Sarah Palin and judge her at all for thinking that perhaps God has called her for a time like this. I was not interested at all in this election, although I did plan to vote for McCain because I cannot in good conscience vote for Obama, because he isn't made of the same STUFF Sarah Palin is! He isn't real. He has a great speaking voice--and that's all he is. I find him arrogant and condescending and not of a lot of substance. When I first heard Sarah Palin speak, a scripture leapt to my mind from the book of Esther where her uncle told her that perhaps she had been brought to such a place for a purpose. A Divine purpose, although interestingly, the name of the Lord is never mentioned in the book of Esther, although His Providence is all over it! Oh, and my prodigal children--I was lamenting the situation to my oldest daughter recently, and she said: you know Mother, we've all failed on a human level, but we all love God and know right and wrong, and that's better than a lot of people have. ---So, although I failed in some ways as a parent, God saw my children through their failures and still loves them. And if I had worked a different job, I think they still would have turned out the same. My staying home did not keep them out of trouble--I really thought I could monitor them so it would never happen. So mark that up to my lack of faith in the Lord to watch out and bring them out of their own foolish decisions. Sisters in Christ, please support Sarah Palin because the alternative candidates are so dangerous to our country.

Jeannelle said...


Thank you for your very thoughtful comment. God's blessings to you and your family!

I'm not particularly impressed with either of the presidential candidates or their running mates. I always think that our founding fathers did a good job of setting up the government to work fairly well no matter who ends up in the highest office of the land.

I hope you will read my blogpost tomorrow. God sends all of us down a certain road in life, and we rarely have much choice in the matter.

Thank you again for your comment!