Will this farm be blue or red on Election Day? Hi......remember me from a few weeks ago? I'm the heifer named "Number 28". Similar to the famous "99" from Get Smart, I'm thinking of asking to be called simply......"28". Or, maybe like "Joe-the-Plumber", I'll should refer to myself as "28-the-Heifer".
Jeannelle ruminates on Sarah Palin quite a bit......probably because she's jealous of Sarah's knockout good looks. That has to be it. The latest Palin info to ruminate on is the story of the governor taking her children along on business trips. Jeannelle is so flawed......she very easily becomes confused, perplexed......you know.......a perpetual head-scratcher. Jeannelle has read that the Palin children are possibly homeschooled. Obviously, Mrs. Palin has a job outside the home, too. Jeannelle has nothing against homeschooling (unless its purpose is to isolate children) and is acquainted with several homeschooling mothers and, of course, also knows many mothers who are employed outside the home. Jeannelle has never met one who does BOTH, however......homeschooling AND outside employment. Jeannelle wonders how such a creature could even exist. Sounds like a major instance of someone believing they are entitled to have their cake and eat it, too. Jeannelle has never had much patience or sympathy for those types. You know, the ones who expect lots of leeway and special privileges so they can have it all, while others can't. Kind of like royalty. What if every working mother demanded to be allowed to have her children along with her while she's at work?? Hmm. Jeannelle is perplexed also with Alaska's First Dude.......wondering why he would ever agree in the first place to his wife running for governor when their children were still very young. And, shame on John McCain and the GOP and the Religious Right for dangling the VP temptation in front of this politically-ambitious mother of young children, Sarah Palin. For everything there is a season, right? Sarah's out of season, in Jeannelle's old-fashioned opinion.
Sorry folks......Jeannelle really is VERY old-fashioned, a duddy mom who never was employed away from home, or attempted to be employed at home. She didn't homeschool, either......she's a complete fizzle. Lack of outside income leads to Jeannelle shopping the Goodwill store and clearance racks at Kohl's......no eating out and no vacations......all of which Jeannelle can easily do without, anyway; she's wealthy in so many other ways besides cash flow. Doctor visits.....can't indulge in many of those, either, which might cause a problem someday, of course, although she's hoping that by not drinking, not smoking, getting enough sleep and sun, holding purring cats, drinking raw milk, eating dark chocolate, laughing, praying, taking long walks, and flossing her teeth daily (seriously, flossing is very important to overall health), she'll get by until Medicare kicks in. Maybe by then the bill from her few days spent in a hospital psychiatric unit a couple years ago will finally be paid off.......hm-m, hundreds of dollars charged for each five-minute head-doctor consultation at the hospital (THAT would be a lucrative line of work to get into, folks......tell your kids.). Don't worry, Jeannelle does have one of those expensive major medical policies for self-employeds, with a gigantic deductible which must be satisfied numerous times before coverage kicks in, and even then the insurance company will bend over backwards to find reasons to deny your claims......all while its execs are basking in fancy homes, cars, hotels, and spas, probably. We would hate to see them spread the wealth around, of course. Whoops......sorry to veer from the subject at hand.......
Though many Christians can't seem to be able to bring themselves to say it, others ARE saying it: "Sarah Palin, be a true maverick......go home and focus on your family. They need you. What your children don't need is you lugging them all over creation to show what a great mother you are. When your youngest child is sixteen or so, THEN AND ONLY THEN think about entering the national political arena. Yes, Sarah, it will be difficult.......you'll have to retreat back to faraway Alaska and somehow exist outside the limelight of national attention. (Perhaps you can make cameo appearances in movies and TV shows occasionally to remind us Lower-48er's that you're still kicking.) You are a strong woman.....YOU CAN DO IT even though the situation will certainly include shades of How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm After They've Seen Paree-ee!! (When Jeannelle was in junior high---in public school..... cough, cough, gag [Sarah, did you know that Iowa's governor is a public school teacher?]---the vocal music teacher was an elderly lady who made her students do a whole program of World War I era songs........the one already mentioned, plus Over There, Over There; Give My Regards to Broadway; Ja-Da, Ja-Da, Jing, Jing, Jing; Mary Lou; Marianne.......and others.) At any rate.....yes, Sarah, you can do it! Go tend to your family! Carting them along on field trips to governmental business events does not count...... in Jeannelle's opinion, anyway. And, why does Jeannelle believe that she can advise Sarah in these matters? Ha......read this Bible passage: Titus 2:4-5, which says that older women are to teach younger women about taking care of their families. Jeannelle IS older than Sarah. Yup.....you betcha......gosh darn it.......Jeannelle believes a mother-of-young-children's first priority should be her family.......and that applies all the way down the mom-line, from the snazzy, politically-ambitious mom clear down to the frumpiest, duddiest everyday mom. Perhaps Dr. Dobson and his friends should ruminate on that.
Read this entire article to get a clear view of the political ambitiousness of Sarah Palin.
Here's an article comparing Sarah Palin to the biblical Queen Esther.
The preacher on the radio the other night exclaimed with passion that Sarah Palin is "our Deborah" (another Old Testament figure), ascending in the ranks to be "our" End Times leader. When a self's ego gets so big, and it can only see itself, and that self becomes all-important and pumped up, then delusional thinking can easily take over, leading to behavior that is bizarre or violent, which is the self's ego imploding, because it can't expand anymore. Jeannelle knows about this sort of thing......it happened to her. Fortunately, she didn't hurt anyone, and fortunately she was only one person, and not a government, or a nation, or a religion. And, after the time of deflation, she recovered.
Sarah or Esther or Deborah---whoever you are---take it from me, 28-the-Heifer.......a certain set of circumstances would have to exist before Jeannelle MIGHT consider voting for you: 1. You have finished raising your family.......2. You belong to a church which is not obsessed with End Times doctrine....... 3. You become dowdy-looking like Jeannelle: gain some weight, cut your hair........lose the hottie/model look, ya know what I mean?? You're causing Jeannelle to turn green with envy and now she's thinking of joining the Green Party. Also, we heifers aren't as naive as we look......we know appearances can be crucially distracting.
Holy Holsteins!! Do you see now what we heifers and cows have to put up with when Jeannelle's ruminational vibes such as these go wafting around on the air currents of this farm. Be glad, BE VERY GLAD, happy, joyful---ecstatic, even---that you don't have to live in close proximity to Jeannelle like we do. We handle the situation quite easily, though.......we simply turn on our hoofs and gallop away when she attempts to herd us in a specific direction. And, we can run MUCH faster than she can, hahaha! Naa-nana-boo-boo, Jeannelle......come and get us!
Ahem......I don't know why I allow livestock to do blogposts. However, in keeping with this post's photo: here's a web page which asks and answers the question, "Why RED for the Republicans and BLUE for the Democrats?" Answer #2 is interesting. As you can surely tell, I don't plan to vote for the McCain-Palin ticket. I will vote the way my conscience tells me to vote......and, you do the same---listen to YOUR conscience!!
Holy Holsteins!! Do you see now what we heifers and cows have to put up with when Jeannelle's ruminational vibes such as these go wafting around on the air currents of this farm. Be glad, BE VERY GLAD, happy, joyful---ecstatic, even---that you don't have to live in close proximity to Jeannelle like we do. We handle the situation quite easily, though.......we simply turn on our hoofs and gallop away when she attempts to herd us in a specific direction. And, we can run MUCH faster than she can, hahaha! Naa-nana-boo-boo, Jeannelle......come and get us!
Ahem......I don't know why I allow livestock to do blogposts. However, in keeping with this post's photo: here's a web page which asks and answers the question, "Why RED for the Republicans and BLUE for the Democrats?" Answer #2 is interesting. As you can surely tell, I don't plan to vote for the McCain-Palin ticket. I will vote the way my conscience tells me to vote......and, you do the same---listen to YOUR conscience!!
[NEWSFLASH: Sarah Palin to speak in Dubuque, Iowa........TODAY, Monday, Election Day Eve. The elephant must be worried that the Catholics there on the east coast of Iowa will go mulish. Do you know that some Fundamentalist Christians don't believe that Catholics---or Lutherans, for that matter---are truly "saved". I have first-hand experience with people of that mindset.....right in my own family. It might be a major factor in how I form opinions about religion, these days.
[NEWSFLASH: Sarah Palin to speak in Dubuque, Iowa........TODAY, Monday, Election Day Eve. The elephant must be worried that the Catholics there on the east coast of Iowa will go mulish. Do you know that some Fundamentalist Christians don't believe that Catholics---or Lutherans, for that matter---are truly "saved". I have first-hand experience with people of that mindset.....right in my own family. It might be a major factor in how I form opinions about religion, these days.
IF YOU ARE CATHOLIC, or even if you're not, or if you're simply into dogma-less "Love Thy Neighbor", you might be interested in THIS ARTICLE! ]
P.S. - And,if you have time, click to this link. What do you think of it? Does it make you cringe, or does it give you the warm fuzzies? So many thoughts rattle around in my head.........when I was a kid, we would often listen to Jerry Fallwell preach on The Old-Time Gospel Hour on Sunday mornings before church. I can still see him there, with the choir behind him.......the same woman always stood right behind Fallwell----I can still see her face. As time went on we began to hear about the Moral Majority.....we thought, "Wow......Christians are finally getting into politics." After that, Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family came on the scene. I faithfully listened to him for years, along with Chuck Swindoll, The Southwest Radio Church, and others. It was just normal for me to do that; that's how I was raised. Years of marriage and motherhood and life-in-general have changed my tune on many issues. Sorry, but I see Sarah Palin as a phony, trumped-up, contrived "woman-of-the-hour", being used by a political machine desperate to stay in power. The machine is now weighted down with the Religious Right, who are hungry for power. Let's never forget that "power corrupts.......and absolute power corrupts absolutely". (Who said that, anyway?) Maybe we would do the Religious Right more of a favor by NOT voting for their candidates! At any rate, we certainly don't need to have divine right of kings and queens come back into vogue, which our country's founders fought and died to extricate themselves from.
Tomorrow, on Election Day.......I hope to do two things: VOTE and PRAY! I'll be praying that everything goes smoothly and peacefully at all polling sites.......that no underhandedness takes place, and no controversial situations occur, like the "hanging chads" of 2004........and that the BEST choice of leadership for the United States will be voted into office. I can't see into the future to know which leaders will be best for our country, but I can certainly pray for all to work out for the best for everyone. Please join in with your votes, thoughts, and prayers, too!!
Good morning, 28 the heifer. Would you pass on to Jeannelle that CNN is reporting this morning that Palin is costing Mccain votes. Maybe that will help with her ruminations today.
Michael and I already voted without incident. I hope that holds true for all.
Wow, a veeeeerrry looooong post, and a very good one, 28-the-heifer, even if I disagree with Jeannelle on some things.
What makes Jeannelle think that Sarah is her children's home-school teacher? Couldn't it be Todd? (I'm not saying that it is, I'm just asking if it couldn't be Todd?)
Also, speaking of Todd, why does Jeannelle think he would "have to agree" to his wife's running for governor? Wasn't there a feminist revoluton a while back? Didn't Jeannelle live through it? Isn't it only the Southern Baptists who still think women are supposed to be in submission to their husbands, and didn't they get read down the country for it? Has Jeannelle's husband got her buffaloed? (Sorry, 28, I didn't mean to bring in another species.)
The person who said "Power corrupts...and absolute power corrupts absolutely" was John Edward Emerich Dalton-Acton, the first Baron Acton (1834-1902) and not, as some have thought, William Pitt.
Tell Jeannelle that I really enjoyed this post, and what I think she should definitely do for the next few days is go around singing, "Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile"!
Hi, Ruth,
Thanks for the news. I don't even want to turn on the TV. I vote in a rural church a few miles away, so I know there won't be a problem there, but in the bigger cities.....it could be chaotic. Lots of prayers needed.
Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time reading right-wing, very traditional Christian blogs.....of people who believe the wife is to be in submission to the husband in all things. Rhymsie, there are still people like that around. They have mulled it over and decided that its OK for Sarah Palin to be working these high-profile jobs while she has small children......and here is the reason why: Because Todd Palin has put his stamp of approval on the whole thing. Seems these traditionalists will turn their backs on their values for the sake of this Deborah/Queen Esther. Oh, and they were talking up Sarah Palin for VP already last spring.....her name was quite well-known in their circles.
Jeannelle "submits" because she's not the ambitious type and she doesn't have enough energy for outside employment AND she knows the husband would get grumpy if he had to fix his own lunch everyday.
Sarah Palin is a fluky, have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too type......Golly, too bad I can't go see her in Dubuque today.
I'm sure Sarah is fine with you staying away from her rally :)
There are very few homeschooling situations I "approve" but I do know that the mom is not always the teacher. There are dads, grandparents, tutors, et cetera. I knew a family who took a year off to follow the dad's career. It was a great year for all.
My take on Sarah? We can't really know her heart or anyone else's, but I do know she espouses some of my values (NO! not endtimes!) and that is something no other candidate has done. Although there are things I might not love about her, and although she likely won't win, I do appreciate some of her unpopular platform.
Good day to you, 28-the-Heifer. Jeannelle picked well when she asked you to sub for her today. I enjoyed your report of Jeannelle's own ruminations. The political situation is quite enough to make one burp and chew over and over again. Well, all I can say is that it will all come out in the end. :) I tried to participate in 'early voting' here but the lines were so long that I couldn't wait. I don't take to standing on my feet for extended periods anymore. My normal voting precinct is at the nearby Presbyterian Church; they, at least, have chairs around the polling place, so if I have to wait very long, I can sit down. I plan on being there when the door open in the morning. I'm anxious to get this event behind us, but I suspect that the political turmoil of this election year will not be over for quite some time to come; I fear that, beginning with the election results, much more 'meanness' will surface, whichever party's candidates are elected. It's a sad time!
Hi, caution,
Very good point.....we can't see into someone else's heart! What we can do is see their actions and listen to their words, and watch others respond to them. That's what we must use to make our decisions. I, also, appreciate SOME of Sarah's platform.....but its outweighed by things I don't care for.
May all go well in Michigan on Election Day!
Hi, Pat,
Our newspaper showed a photo of long lines of early voters the other day, too. I hope you are able to get in quickly to vote and out again quickly.
That's cute....."it will all come out in the END"!!! How VERY, VERY true! Might give new meaning to the "END Times"!!
My grandma's line for every problem used to be: "It will all come out in the wash!"
Blessings on your day!
Good morning 28-the-Heifer. Great post....enjoyed reading it while I ate my breakfast. Please let Jeannelle know what she and I ruminate about so many of the same things....its a bit freaky at times.
Thank you Jeannelle for another great post. I voted last week since we had early voting in my area. I thought I would feel better once it was over and done with, but I have continued to ruminate (my word of the day now...wink) over many of the issues and canidates......so much so that I have had some very strange dreams the last few nights!! ACK!!
That was the funniest anti Palen blog I've read. I'll give you that.
I am one of those unsaved Lutherans but still would have voted for McCain tomorrow but my voter registration got fouled up so I don't get to vote. I could blame the Democrats but it really was my own fault.
Good to hear you've voted already. There's been alot of early voting going on.
Interesting about your dreams.....you'll have to take notice if any of them seem to pertain to the election outcome. I've haven't been recalling dreams lately.....I know I dream, but they flit away as soon as I wake up. Probably a good thing. Husband's been having unusual ones, though.
dr. john,
Fellow Lutheran.....seriously, Husband and I both have Baptist Fundamentalist relatives who believe we Lutherans are lost.
Sorry to hear you won't be able to vote. You can spend more time praying, though!!
WOW - you did not disappoint. Glad so many people (and heifers)are interested in their government. I find it interesting to try to understand how people think differently from me. I'm still learning and still voting. Got to get that sticker tomorrow.
Hi, maybelline,
Oh, yes....heifers wish to be good citizens, too, not just spotted creatures in the pasture. You're right, it is fascinating to learn of different ways of thinking and understanding to enlarge our view of life and others. May all go well in California on Election Day!
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