Friday, December 5, 2008

Chillin' Time

We're not killin' time here........we're CHILLIN' time!! And, it looks like its The Eleventh Hour! Yikes!
If this sundial face suddenly came alive and started speaking, what do you suppose she would say about the snow on her face? Do you suppose she would admit to being split personality?!


I kid you is major-league COLD here right now......hovering near zero degrees.......Fahrenheit, that is! Its not pleasant to be out for over five minutes; I hurry through calf and barn chores and hustle back to the warm house! Staying home in this kind of weather suits me fine, although a grocery shopping trip will soon be necessary.......and my son has a basketball game tonight that I should go to. Sigh. This extreme cold is what we usually expect in January, when we can take some comfort in knowing that the most frigid part of winter will be over in a few weeks. Usually the temps don't plunge so far this early in the game.


Yesterday, I worked on putting together a one-page photo collage of our family (no picture of how, no way.......people will just have to come and see me in person) with text included about each of the four put in Christmas cards. I'm actually sending them out this year; What's come over must be all the picture-taking and blogging. I searched the year's photo files, cropped out the scenes to use, and printed them in wallet size, along with one big cow-in-a-pasture photo for the background. Then I cut out the wallets and arranged them on the page and scanned and saved the whole thing, then somehow figured out how to put text by each picture with my Picture-It photo editor. Whew. It was a major operation for a dummy like me---and my printer about drove me bananas---but I'm satisfied enough with how the collage turned out. Its not professional grade or anything, but it'll do. "That'll do, Pig......that'll do." Anybody know what movie that line comes from?


Hopefully, its warmer where YOU are! Have a great day!


Nancy said...

"Babe" -one of my favorite movies, that's what a farm should be like, huh? It's super cold here too, but I have to continue doing recess duty until the windchill hits -10. Yuk! Your photo collage card sounds great. Is Picture It something you bought or downloaded from the internet? I'm off to quilt class, that'll save the day for me.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

It's five degrees here. Yes, much too cold for December.

I love the split personality sundial.

Trish said...

Hee Hee....although I agree with you about the cold...I am thinking that there are those who would read this and think...uhm...that is not cold at all! Grin. Yep...those photos we take for our blogs gets us creative in other ways....nice idea there Jeanelle

Pat - Arkansas said...

It's warmer here, but still below freezing, this morning.

Love your sundial photos. The collage is a great idea.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

the movie is BABE I love that show!
Cool project... hope you show us too!
HUGS laura

rhymeswithplague said...

I was going to say Winnie The Pooh. Shows how much I know.

Anonymous said...

Way too cold for early December. This does not bode well for January I fear. I'm sick of it already. Where is the sun and the heat????? Bah Humbug!

Jeannelle said...


Ding-ding-ding! That's the correct answer..."Babe".

I hope you have a nice long, warm coat to wear out at recess time.

"Picture It" came with my computer when it was purchased several years ago. Of course, I was so ignorant, I didn't find it until last January. It was part of the Microsoft Works Suite 2004.....I don't know if "Picture It" is even made anymore. I do like it, though......its easy to use.



Keep warm! Hopefully this cold snap won't last long.



You're right......its all relative when it comes to weather. This might be balmy for someone from the Arctic. Stay warm yourself!



Thanks for stopping by! Temps in the 20's sounds pretty good....hopefully we'll be back at that point soon.



Yes, you're correct, too. Good old "Babe".....what a cute story.



You were close in a porcine sort of were thinking of "Piglet"!



Yes, I wholeheartedly agree! I'm ready to just hole up and stay home, when I should be out doing some Christmas shopping. Stay warm!

Egghead said...

Brrr! It got down to 28º last night and everything was frosted up here. Of course Babe is one of my all time favorites. I do a collage of photos as well each year for our card. It gets easier each time.

Anne Marie said...

thanks for stopping by my nadafarm blog at wordpress the other day!

great Advent and Christmas decoration on your blog
(love the changes)

Take care!
Anne Marie

DesertHen said...

Love the sundial is not very warm here.....only in the 30's for highs and down into the teens for lows.......still no snow yet.

I have to start working on our Christmas cards.....I'm so late this year.

Happy Sunday to you......=)