Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chillin' With Kitties

Have I mentioned that the sub-zero deep-freeze has returned to Iowa? Yesterday, my metabolism slowed to a crawl as I sat motionless most of the afternoon, adding up columns of numbers. At chore time, I was shivering despite my heavy Carhartt coat as I prepared calf bottles in the milkhouse. Brr! Movement was needed to produce heat units, so I turned on the radio and forced myself to do some calisthenics to the rhythm of several songs. Certainly, I'm aware that some of you readers do not care for rock or pop music, and that's fine, but you'll have to admit, the beat is easier to move to than to--say--classical piano or violin music. One of the songs from the radio was When I'm With You by a group called "Sheriff" unfortunately had a slow beat, and was poorly suited for milkhouse calisthenics, but some of the lyrics were appropriate to the evening's frigid air........."Bab-y-y-y-y, I get CHILLS when I'm with you-ou-ou."


The words were so darn CATchy that I decided to sing a few bars to an audience of kitties out in the calf building. And, it was most certainly true that I did get CHILLS while in the presence of these felines last evening. By airing this video and accompanying audio to the world, perhaps I can help frighten winter into making a hasty might turn on its tail and flee in horror from the sound of my singing. Desperate times require desperate measures. SCRAM, Winter! BE GONE! Git outta Dodge, right now! We've had it with you!


Anonymous said...

Everybody's a critic!

Kat Mortensen said...

Jeannelle - You need to go on American Idol! I think, judging by your cat audience - you'd be a big hit!
I had a cat years ago who would wail along with me whenever I sang. The 4 I have now, just stare at me in disbelief!

I loved this!


(chillin' up in Canada!)

Kat Mortensen said...

I just played it again - you really have their rapt attention, don't you!

Thanks for making my morning! You can post these anytime.


Kat Mortensen said...

Wait! Was that Buster at the end?

Kat (going away now...)

Jeannelle said...


Yes.....and thank goodness for critics who keep us stars grounded.



Good eye....that's correct, Buster made an appearance there at the end. He's the reason for the cat shooting up the post.

Cats and dogs are so much fun.....what would we do without them?? Cats that sing that would be farm cats are more into staring, obviously.

Nancy said...

That was cute, I guess you got a bad review from the one that ran away though. Your voice sounds very young. I think you'll have some nice weather in another day or so, so enjoy that! No more chillin'!

Gail said...

Now you have me singing it!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I loved your laugh at the end.

It's supposed to get warmer here in a day or so. Is that true for you too?

P.S. Of course, I'll still visit your blog. I enjoy it!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Nancy,

Oh, you're so sweet and kind to say my voice sounds "young". I should give you an award for that.


Hi, Gail,

Songs just catch on, don't they!


Hi, Ruth,

And, you are sweet, too, with your kind words.

Yes, today is supposedly warmer, but its windy from the south....brr!

DesertHen said...

You have a captive audience there!! Wonderful video and I loved your that little song is stuck in my head..=)

May winter beat a hasty retreat!!