Sunday, February 15, 2009

Glass Bowl Coincidence

Ok......this cool coincidence just happened. This afternoon, I've been reboxing all our Christmas decorations.....sorting them into totes and toting said totes upstairs to my married son's old bedroom which will now serve as a storeroom, seeing as we do not have a usable attic. Moving the Christmas stuff frees up a closet near my computer room to now be used to store old photos. Cool, huh......yeah, I thought so, too.
Anyhow, as I sorted through the strings of Christmas lights, I decided to keep one string downstairs for decorative lighting of some sort. I wanted to see how a string of white lights would look coiled in a big glass bowl, so I traipsed back up to the storeroom where there is a stack of glass bowls that were used at my daughter's wedding. We had bought them all at Goodwill stores; colorful candies were placed in them at the reception.
I looked through the stack of bowls and chose one to take downstairs to try with the string of lights. After washing the bowl in the kitchen sink, I walked back into the computer room and right then the random screensaver photo that happened to be displayed was the above photo from my daughter's wedding.......showing THE VERY SAME GLASS BOWL!! (Please ignore the construction equipment outside the church window.) The bride and groom poured sand into the bowl during the wedding ceremony as a symbol of unity.......instead of lighting a unity candle. With the thousands of photos on my computer, the chance of that particular photo showing up right at that moment has to be pretty darn slim. Actually, its the ONLY photo of the bowl. I was pretty darn amazed. Life can be quite amazing at times. Never a dull moment.


Gigi Ann said...

Cute story!

Gail said...

Good story and good idea. I put my lights in a gallon glass jar filled with beautiful potpurrie(spelling?) and topped with a pretty doilie and ribbon. When plugged in not only does it provide a wonderful light but also a wonderful smell.

Country Girl said...

I think it was a sign! Because you had a good idea.

Marg said...

Coincidence alright!! I like your idea of keeping an extra string of lights around. I still have a few white lights shining over my fireplace. Makes the long evenings cozy.

Anonymous said...

Will you post a picture of the lights on, in the bowl? I have never heard of such a thing before - sounds very pretty. Dairymary

rhymeswithplague said...

I think it was a sign, too.

That's interesting about the sand. Around here people have begun doing Salt Covenants at wedding ceremonies instead of lighting a Unity Candle. Same idea as pouring the sand, it can never be (or not easily be, I suppose) unmixed.

Deb said...

How lovely! Great minds think alike, right?

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gramma Ann, Gail, Country Girl, Marg, Dairymary, rhymsie, Deb, Poetikat,

Thanks for stopping in. I like the idea of the potpourri in the bowl and may try it. Its not a fire hazard, is it?

Yes, I'll post a photo of the lights in the bowl. Its looks nice at the daytime it looks....well, like a bowl with a string of lights in it.....not very pretty.

Coincidences have dogged me for a long time......finally a few years ago I discovered that its a phenomenon noticed since ancient times. Its most likely happening in your life, too.....just be aware, that's all it takes. There are two types......"mirror coincidences" and "directional coincidences". I don't know what this one is. There....that's more than you wanted to know, isn't it.