Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rye & Lilacs


Lilacs are in their short-lived prime.......(I wish you could lean in and enjoy a whiff of the lovely fragrance.):



Chopping rye.......

And, bagging the chopped rye, which will be fed to the cows later in the year.....(Do not, I repeat, DO NOT lean into those spinning power-take-off shafts!):


Have great afternoon!


P.S. - I enjoyed this article about prairie plants from Sunday's Des Moines Register.



Gigi Ann said...

I think the Lilac season was short-lived this year. I brought in two bouquets and now they are over. I love the smell of them. Maybe I will bring in another bouquet just for the smell, if I pick and choose, maybe I can get just one more bouquet....

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gramma Ann,

Yes, I think you should try for one more bouquet.....to prolong the presence of the wonderful fragrance!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Poetikat,

If only I were smart enough to figure out sending fragrances into cyberspace....pleasant ones, that is.

Buster was right there with me when I videotaped out in the field. He'll be pleased to know you asked about him.

Flea said...

Someday I'm going to have to come visit. Iowa looks like a great place.

Gail said...

I think I missed the lilacs this year.

Caution/Lisa said...

Did I hear a "moo" in that first video? I think the sounds that surround me every day must be so different from yours!

P.S. My son came home from a scouting workshop with a Bleeding Heart blossom. He was very disappointed that I knew what it was. Of course, if not for your blog, I would never have known!

Anonymous said...

Not many lilacs here on our street, but I'm thinking I would like to plant a lilac bush.... they remind me of my childhood.. Thanks for the movie!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Midlife Roadtripper said...

One of the things I miss most about the Midwest are the lilacs. We have crepe myrtles in Texas, but lilacs are such a measure of a welcome spring. The scent is one of my favorites. A hint of the summer warmth to come. Thanks for taking me there.

nannykim said...

Those videos are so clear--I miss the lilacs--they are only in the Western part of our state

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Flea,

Oh, yeah, Iowa is a great place....not too exciting, but good in its own way.


Hi, Gail,

That's too bad. They come and go so quickly.


Hi, Caution,

Yes, you heard a moo! I promised that calf an extra scoop of grain if she would moo on cue.

I'm wondering if your son found that bleeding heart growing wild somewhere?


Hi, Blue Ridge Gal,

You could start a lilac trend on your street!


Hi, Midwest Jobhunter,

That's a nice thought..."a hint of summer warmth to come". Thanks for stopping by!


Hi, nannykim,

Thanks for stopping in! Interesting that lilacs aren't found in your area. Maybe they are less common in some places. But, in the South, you have many lovely flowering bushes and trees.