Monday, July 13, 2009

Miscellany of a Sunday


Yesterday morning, instead of being sensible and readying myself for church in a timely fashion, I shot a few shots…….




Look out, its the Fluffy the Cable Sparrow…..



There’s nothing like a newly-emptied barn lime sack to relax on…….



Or, a fresh, green pasture to graze in…….



We had pleasant company all afternoon, in honor of my husband’s birthday.  We all yacked up a storm, with me even spouting some of my political views to a rather opinionated person (like that doesn’t describe me, too).  Later in the day, old friends stopped by with one of their grandsons, who seemed to enjoy his close-up encounter with this inquisitive calf…..


I’ve known the boy’s grandfather since kindergarten.  He’s a farmer and mechanic and also digs graves……by hand in several rural cemeteries that don’t allow the use of backhoes.  He told us that business has been slow since last year, though……apparently the depressed economy is prompting people to postpone not only vacation traveling, but also that infamous final journey of life!


My daughter was in Paris this weekend.  She left this message on Facebook last evening:  "Hi momma!!! Guess what, I just got back from Paris!!!!!!!  Oh, my land, was it gorgeous!  I loved it so much!!!  I hope dad had a great birthday.   I'll call tomorrow hopefully!  Love you all and I'm happy to hear you got my postcards!"



threecollie said...

Happy birthday to your husband. Your place looks great. Love the coneflowers!

Evansmom said...

I enjoyed your photos as always. Happy Birthday to your husband. My husband's bday was Saturday!

nonizamboni said...

I wondered where my kitty, Bean went to--he's been hanging out with your cats on your farm! [he's the one in the middle on the first photo]
What a fun post of God's beautiful world and those coneflowers were wonderful.
Happy week!

Gail said...

Beautiful farm! What I want to know is where is all the clutter that seems to collect at ours?

Deb said...

I love your post today. Life at the farm...looks very serene and theraputic.

Sempringham said...

♬ How ya gonna keep 'em ♬
♬ Down on the farm ♬
♬ After they've seen Paree? ♬♬

Sempringham said...


Sorry for the double post, but singing the song above got me wondering how the rest of it went. And though I'm sure farmers sing this to themselves ALL THE TIME (maybe not), I thought you might be curious, too.

Here's a video:

And here are the lyrics:

How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm
(After They've Seen Paree)

Reuben, Reuben, I've been thinking
Said his wifey dear
Now that all is peaceful and calm
The boys will soon be back on the farm
Mister Reuben started winking and slowly rubbed his chin
He pulled his chair up close to mother
And he asked her with a grin

Chorus (sung twice after each verse):
How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm
After they've seen Paree'
How ya gonna keep 'em away from Broadway
Jazzin around and paintin' the town
How ya gonna keep 'em away from harm, that's a mystery
They'll never want to see a rake or plow
And who the deuce can parleyvous a cow?
How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm
After they've seen Paree'

Rueben, Rueben, you're mistaken
Said his wifey dear
Once a farmer, always a jay
And farmers always stick to the hay
Mother Reuben, I'm not fakin
Tho you may think it strange
But wine and women play the mischief
With a boy who's loose with change

Chorus (sung twice after each verse):
How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm
After they've seen Paree'
How ya gonna keep 'em away from Broadway
Jazzin around and paintin' the town
How ya gonna keep 'em away from harm, that's a mystery
Imagine Reuben when he meets his Pa
He'll kiss his cheek and holler "OO-LA-LA!
How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm
After they've seen Paree'?

Gigi Ann said...

Jeannelle ~ I liked your pictures esp. of the cats, so cute and I loved Sempringham's video. I hadn't heard that song in ages. It was so cute also.

Flea said...

People are putting off being dead, huh? What a concept!

I love your meow-meows. They're beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Jeannelle you just don't know how soothing your photos are. It just makes me relax and remember the important things. Thanks as always.

Stepping said...

'digging graves by hand.....that would be very hard work.
Love the photos!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, threecollie,

Thank you for the good wishes!


Hi, evansmom,

Neat! My husband's birthday was actually on Saturday, too! Hope your hubby had a happy day!


Hi, noni,

Thank you for your kind words! Well, if that's your Bean, he now known as Tigger and gave birth to three kittens a few weeks ago!


Hi, Gail,

Oh, haha! I utilize "selective" aiming with my camera to avoid the junk piles and clutter which, YES, we definitely do have!


Hi, Deb,

It is serene and then again it isn't, at times. Depends on the day.


Hi, Sempringham,

Funny thing....I WAS thinking of that very song this morning as I fed calves. Thanks for including the lyrics; I only know the chorus lyrics, having never heard the verses before. Thanks for the video link, too....I will hop over there after finishing here.


Hi, Gramma Ann,

Thanks for your kind words! Now I'm anxious to watch the "Paree" video, too!


Hi, Flea,

You made me think here....maybe more people are getting cremated OR with declining populations in the rural areas, there are just less people around to need graves.


Hi, Sherry,

Well, that's so nice of you to say! Thank you for your kind words! I think its actually soothing for me to take the photos, too.


Hi, Steppin Thru,

Yeah, I agree. I can't imagine trying to dig a grave by hand, but it is still done that way some places.


Hi, Betty,

Thank you for stopping in! And, for the birthday wishes!

Leenie said...

Well, I'm late to the party. Just wanted to stop by and say how fun the photos and info were. Hope you get your call from your daughter in Europe. What a wonderful opportunity to travel and learn! Liked Fluffy the Sparrow. :D

Pat - Arkansas said...

I get a peaceful feeling just looking at your photos. Thanks.