Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Yesterday morning on my way to the clothesline I saw this bachelor button getting ready to bloom:

May 15 (29)

My husband was cutting hay in the field nearby.  There was rye here last year and there’s some growing at the edge of the field this spring: 

May 15 (37) Besides allowing me to photograph the poppies shown in the preceding post, my neighbor let me pick some asparagus to take home.  We had some for supper.

May 15 (86)

Later in the afternoon my husband baled a couple baskets full of hay.

May 15 (67) Thank goodness for the hay basket which allows one person to do the baling, especially when our main helper---our son---is recovering from an appendectomy.  Hopefully, he will be released from the hospital today.


Gail said...

The right equipment is so wonderful. I remember forking hay into piles...that's a hard way to put up the winter's feed.

MarmePurl said...

Beautiful photos as always. Glad to know the son is recovering well. Continued good thoughts.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Hope your son recovers quickly.

Great pics- i like that first shot, such a pretty bluish purple.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your son is recovering. It's a hard job for one person. I end up driving the truck around and loading them when we don't have a crew. It's hard to find someone to do such hard work.

DesertHen said...

Glad to hear your son is doing well. Hope he gets to come home soon!

Nice shot of the bachelor button!

My nana always had a large asparagus patch and I remember picking fresh shoots in the summer during visits to her country home.

Judy said...

We planted asparagus this year and I can't wait until we can cut it.