Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ashes of Wednesday

What a sunnybright Ash Wednesday! Lent begins, and a hint of spring is in the air. Much snow has melted the last couple of days, leaving the farmyard full of slushy ruts and tire tracks. It's wet during the afternoon hours, and frozen slush at night and in the morning, making walking hazardous.

I was awake at an ungodly hour this morning, 3:00 a.m., in order to drive my daughter to school to embark on a band trip to Chicago. She has been very excited about the trip, but was not too keen on getting up so early in the morning. She just now phoned me from their hotel in downtown Chicago; they will soon be heading for the Art Institute. There's so much to see in Chicago! I'm excited for the kids.

Husband is having difficulties with the silo unloader again this morning. He was doing quite a bit of yelling during milking this morning.......just to let off steam. Our one dog must have thought Husband was yelling at him, for he kept trying to hide behind our oldest dog. It was if the old one would be able to offer any protection in the first place!

The drive wheel of the silo unloader is broken, that is the problem. The drive wheel is a starlike-shaped thick block of cement with metal casing. It is very heavy, so it is with alot of difficulty that Husband removes it from way up in the silo. He growled, "Who do they think I am.....Hercules Fix-it?!" It will probably take most of the day to gets the repairs done, throwing the normal cow and heifer feeding schedule out of wack for the entire day. The forecast for Husband's mood will definitely be cloudy and stormy on this Ash Wednesday!

Here is a helpful thought from the February 20 entry in Corrie ten Boom's book Each New Day:

"There is nothing anybody else can do that can stop God from using us;
the fault always lies in ourselves. We can turn everything into a
testimony. Even opposition can become an open door."

It's all about attitude. That is something I need to remember on a daily basis, and am trying to instill this mindset in my children. The other day I bought a little wall plaque which says, "Opportunity is often Found in the Middle of a Dilemma." I hung it here on the wall above the computer where the kids will be sure to see it. My daughter commented on it right away that first evening.

Look for the silver lining!

A blessed Ash Wednesday to all.

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