Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Green Knowe Book Series

Ok, I did some searching concerning those "Greenhow" books I mentioned in the last post. The actual name is "Green Knowe", and the author of the series of books is Lucy M. Boston. She wrote of an actual estate in England which she purchased and restored in the 1930's. She was 62 when she started writing the stories.

There are six books in the series: The Children of Green Knowe, The River of Green Knowe, The Stranger at Green Knowe, An Enemy at Green Knowe, The Treasure of Green Knowe, and The Stones of Green Knowe. I think I may have read three or four of them years ago in grade school. Funny thing, I could not remember the author's name, or the correct titles of the books, but I can clearly recall where these books were on the shelves there in our school library.......along the west wall, near the door. I can date the time I read them to third grade or after, because that was when our school did a building project and moved the library. In the previous library location, I remember where the Billy & Blaze books were, and the Little House series of books, so that would have been during second grade or before.

Anyway, the Green Knowe series, originally published in the 1960's, has been reissued, so I ordered a set from Amazon. I'll loan them to my niece and nephew first, then keep them to read to grandchildren, if any ever come along.

Why didn't I ever look for these books when my own children were small? I don't know. Sometimes I think I was in some sort of stupor for many years, trying to keep up with taking care of things around the house and farm, and being responsible for little kids and school-agers. It was an exhausting time, and with me not being the most energetic person in the world, lots of things didn't get attended to.

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