Monday, March 10, 2008

Go Visit "rhymeswithplague"

Whoever happens to read this should immediately click HERE to read the latest clever post on the blog of "Rhymes with Plague". (Quite an intriguing name for a blog.........I think that's why I clicked on it the first time!)

I stumbled into Mr. Brague's blog back in early January, and as chance would have it, he had just done a post on Sunday School songs , which is not so remarkable, except that he also included an obscure little poem which has loomed large in my mind since my childhood days when we recited it one Sunday each month at our Baptist Church to honor those with birthdays in that month. Mr. Brague wrote of doing a similar thing when he was young, in his Methodist Church. I had never in my life heard anyone else mention that particular poem.

When my father-in-law died last November, ON HIS VERY OWN BIRTHDAY, that little poem immediately came to my mind. On the day of his funeral, I asked the pastor if I could quickly recite it to the gathered family before we went into the church for the service. Here it is:
"Many happy returns on the day of thy birth,
May sunshine and gladness be given.
And may the dear Father prepare thee on earth,
For a beautiful birthday in Heaven!"
So, please, treat yourself and go visit the "rhymeswithplague" blog. He doesn't do photos, but his posts are well-written and entertaining!! He has even had two of his stories accepted by Prairie Home Companion.

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