That's right, folks......choose your clique........but, first choose your weapon. My choice is a crocus blade! get back to today's daughter was telling me about recent group presentations in her Oral Composition class. She related what one of the groups did for its project.......a presentation on "cliques", something we all deal with in some way or another at some point or another in our lives.
She said the Clique presenters divided the class up into several cliques: popular, sporty, nerdy, Goth. Everyone was put into a group.......except my daughter!!! She was left alone in the middle. She asked what she was supposed to do, and the group leader said, "Choose a clique." (My daughter has no idea if she was left out on purpose, or if it was simply an oversight........she's not very well-acquainted with anyone in the class. I'm thinking it was unintentional, but who knows.)
My daughter chose to join the "popular" group simply because she happened to be standing closest to them. She told me this was the ironic thing, though........she happened to be dressed fairly sloppily for that early morning class, in baggy black sweatpants and messy hair, AND she had uncharacteristicly painted her fingernails with a very dark polish the day before. Thus, she told me, "Mom.......I looked like I could have joined the Goth clique that morning!" And she's never been into Goth stuff. It was just a funny little story, I thought.
And, so interesting how she was left out of the cliques in the first place! Whether it was intentional or not, I think perhaps there's a message for her here. Maybe she should rethink stepping into the closest choice at hand.......that maybe she is actually better suited for something else.
I think it's too bad that the prof told her to join a group. Had she been left sitting alone, the class would have had a pretty powerful illustration about cliques. Then again, I'm really good at 20/20 hindsight!
You made a very good observation. The leaving out of one person is striking, and begs the question: Do we choose our clique or does the clique choose us?
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