This morning I thought about several things: 1. That I need to post the answers to the Charade Quiz questions. 2. That I would like to do a post on bi-polar depression. 3. That happening to watch Bill Moyers Journal last evening on PBS was a good thing, for I received (hopefully) an accurate view of Barack Obama's much-maligned pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Rev. Wright is OK, folks. Don't be overly-influenced by brief sound-bytes on the evening news or wherever. Rev. Wright is about spreading the Gospel of Christ, and about encouraging people to throw off their preconceived notions, such as that the only proper Christian worship style is the white European one. Or that African culture isn't as valid as English, German, Jewish, Chinese, Hispanic, etc., etc. Or that only white people become doctors, lawyers, etc. Or that it was OK to drive the Native Americans from their homelands.
Unless Bill Moyers and Rev. Wright were deliberately misleading viewers with false information, Rev. Wright is OK in my opinion. He has empowered his church's black, Hispanic, and white community in south Chicago with confidence, pride, and hope. He preaches against gang violence, abortion, and the idea that any certain government or culture holds privileged status in God's eyes.......which is the point he was trying to make when in one of his sermons he said we should not sing "God Bless America", but "God damn America".......IF our government and people do not uphold God's laws.
So remember that if you keep hearing in the media or other circles that Rev. Jeremiah Wright advocates the idea of "God damn America".
God bless your Saturday!
I'm so sorry to hear that you have drunk the Kool-Aid. Bill Moyers is so liberal he probably has two left hands. He was LBJ's speechwriter, and don't let the Texas accent fool you, LBJ was right up there with the Kennedys.
I don't care what Bill Moyers' label you think he gave misleading info about Rev. Wright on the TV show last night?
I'm not saying I'm voting for Obama.....I don't who I'm voting for.
I just typed a lengthy comment and managed to delete it instead of publish it :(
I didn't watch the entire interview, only the GMA and Today Show segments. It did seem to me that Moyers was leading Wright. There were so many, "When the media unfairly portrayed you..." and "After the public rushed to judge you..." questions that it was like Moyers was giving Wright the answers while asking the questions.
We live in a multi,multi, multi-cultural area and I always dreamed that my kids could be raised without bias here. But we hear daily that cultural bias is justifiable. Just do a google search of recent Detroit politics to find that type of sentiment.
I am still shocked at how much racism and anger exists - from every direction. My students (from every cultural background possible)are so racist and angry that it sometimes frightens me.
I should be outside or cleaning something instead of rambling here. Sorry!
Thanks for rambling!
You're probably more perceptive than me to pick up Moyers' leading of Rev. Wright. But, maybe its a given that the media unfairly portrayed Rev. Wright....they tend to do that, and then we the gullible public do rush to judgment. Trying to find truthful, objective news sources is difficult.
Yes, in my rural area, I often hear racist makes me sad. I always wonder why we can't all just BE KIND to each other.
You must have nice weather today.....that's good!
There is much ado about very little in my opinion regarding Rev. Wright. McCain is not getting nearly the same treatment for his outright pandering to Hagee who has said so much worse, the latest being that Katrina was God's punishment for New Orleans supporting homosexuality. What utter junk. Glad you saw the showing. We haven't yet, but Bill Moyers actually has integrity.
I watch PBS to get a balanced view. I've been watching the Frontline series on Obama and McCain and it was truly enlightening. Casting my vote just got a little easier.
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