Friday, August 22, 2008

Reception & Dance

Don't worry........I'll soon be done posting wedding photos. Here's a few from the reception and dance, held at a hall in the same town where the wedding took place.
The bride's mother made the beautiful centerpieces, which provided a mellow glow at each table:
Here were my tablemates.......two of my nephews. I especially enjoyed my conversations with the little guy in the high chair........"Bababa, dadada, gagaga", was all he would confide to me. Favor bags were passed out to the kids in the crowd, containing little coloring books and crayons, and Chinese ring puzzles.
Ha! My daughter, always ready and willing to ham it up for the camera! She's comfortable in the limelight; she participated in several musicals and plays in high school, her parts ranging from The Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz to sweet Cinderella in Cinderella! Actually, possibly this girl is not really my daughter----she doesn't look a thing like me and we don't act alike, either. It must have been one of those hospital nursery mix-ups. Somewhere there is a quiet, short-necked, bespectacled, 19-year-old girl searching for her real I am, honey, right here and I'm waving at you through the computer screen!!

The bridesmaids were given apron pinafores to wear for the reception case they slopped food down their front, I guess. It was a cute idea, one I'd never seen done before.


This dance scene photo is blurry, but adds a dreamy effect as perhaps these little girls are dreaming of the future day when their turn comes to have a wedding and be a bride!

This was some sort of dance done in a circle, the participants following directions for hand-slapping, spinning, etc. It might have been "The Hokey-Pokey".......I can't recall for sure, and am no dancer, thus try to know very little about such things. Those silly group dances seem to draw the crowds onto the dance floor......."The Chicken Dance", "The Bunny Hop", "ChaCha Slide", "Macarena".


Here's the group of dreamy, giggly dancing girls again, wearing their twirly dresses for the occasion:

*** you think you'd ever catch ME out on the dance floor in such a goofy, undignified posture?? Not on your life. That's why I stay preoccupied with a camera at such events! Several years ago, I was pulled against my will out onto the floor at a wedding dance and made a fool of.......never again, I tell you......never again.

At some point in the evening, I stepped outdoors for a breath of fresh air.........what in the world did I find going on?? My dignified athletic/activities director son-in-law caught up in his moonlighting job as a wedding vehicle decorator!! He was directing an "activity", that's for sure! Oh, my! Yeah, you bet......."Git R Dun".......looks like you did, buddy!! Good work!! Before the wedding, he showed me his stash of shaving cream, toilet paper, Rice Krispies, Silly String, animal crackers, Saran Wrap........he came fully prepared! The tricky part was getting ahold of my son's pickup keys. Husband had a part in that.......I try to remain above getting involved in such hooliganistic shenanigans. Ahem.



Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

It does look like a good time was had by all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing it with us. I had so much fun reading and looking at the photos.

Caution/Lisa said...

I was thinking it's interesting how different wedding customs are from region to region - then I got to the last picture and realized things are pretty much the same everywhere!

Marg said...

I was not aware that they still decorated the grooms vehicles.
We used to have to plan getaway strategies" lest the bride was kidnapped."

Egghead said...

Looks like you had such a good time. Great celebration!

Jeannelle said...

Ruth, saddlegait, caution flag, marg, egghead,

Its been fun to post these wedding photos....its like scrapbooking for me, even though I'm not a scrapbooker.

Funny you should mention bride-kidnapping, marg......that's my subject for tomorrow's post!