Friday, August 22, 2008

Help.....Sweet Corn!

Lurking in the back of my mind was a dread...........I knew the sweetcorn would probably be ready this week. Thankfully, it wasn't last week, during the days before the wedding. Planting was late this spring, due to uncooperative weather. Don't get me wrong.......I love to eat sweetcorn, but doing it up is a long, tiring process, with me hovering over a hot stove on a day that is already warm and humid. We have no a/c, remember. But, I've pasted a smile on my face for the, sweetcorn-sweetie-ears, I'm comin' to get 'cha!!!
Anyhow........that is what we're doing today.........freezing sweetcorn!! Come on over and get some; we have way too much, and few helpers around anymore. I do all the cooking, cutting, and bagging. Husband does the picking and husking. Thank goodness it rained yesterday, meaning no hay baling going on today! Hopefully, the newlyweds will get back today following their honeymoon to the Galena, Illinois area........we'll try to pawn off some sweetcorn on them, and other relatives, too, who don't grow their own.


Pat - Arkansas said...

Oh, Miss Jeannelle! I wish I were close enough to come help you! I'd work for corn!

Trish said...

Oh my.....I agree with Pat....I could easily do with some of that good conversation that comes with husking around a bag of sweetcorn...not to mention the corn itself. Hope you have a good day Jeannelle and thanks for all your visits...I am slowly coming back to 'visiting'....sigh...

Anonymous said...

You're lucky Jeannelle, out of 4 rows we got 8 ears, none of them full. Just enough for one meal. Sigh. most of our garden just produced nothing at all. Not even zucchini this year. And we were so counting on it because of the high prices. It's so hard on a fixed income! sigh...happy freezing, its what we expected to be doing ourselves this year, but not gonna happen.

Egghead said...

Nothing better than sweet corn. Lots of work but so worth it in the end.

Jeannelle said...

Pat, trish, Sherry, egghead,

Thanks for stopping by! Yes, the thoughts seem to flow freely when hands are busy at a task like corn husking. I wish you all were close enough to come get some corn!


NO AIR CONDITIONING?! Good Lord. Barbaric

Anonymous said...

Lady..I know what you go thru for that good sweet corn.. I have spent all day and part of the night putting it up in the freezer. And this was back when I was working and had cased and carried a long mail route that day.. It was hot as you know what too..BUT...I did have air conditioning !!! Our corn did not make this year..and I was glad. We have plenty in the freezer from previous years and this year my hubby is fighting lung cancer..Now it is one day at a time ..

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Maybelline,

I survived!! Thanks for visiting!



Oh, I don't know how you could do corn after a long day on the mail route. Makes me feel pretty wimpy!

I'm sorry to hear of your husband's illness. You'll be in my prayers tonight.....may all go well for him and you. And, you're so correct about, "One day at a time."

Country Girl said...

Much work but much reward. You are blessed to have so much.