Saturday, October 18, 2008

Look Out Below!

Have you been receiving political email forwards? This photo arrived in my inbox the other day:
Another politically motivated email forward solemnly informed me of the probable identity of the Antichrist. This urgent message came from a Mo-Synod Lutheran----and someone I'm only distantly acquainted with----but it showed me that some of the LCMS may be getting hooked into End-Times thinking, too. (Sigh and shake my head.)
A much better email included historical info about the Women's Suffrage movement of the early 1900's. The message was encouraging readers to remember the courageous women who worked diligently for that cause nearly a century ago. Here's a link to some information on that subject.
I am at peace politically........happy to NOT be watching or listening to any election coverage anymore!


Anonymous said...

I got a good laugh this morning upon seeing your post! Thanks for visiting my site yesterday. I join you in avoiding all political watching for the duration! :-)

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I've received the women suffrage one too. Very inspiring.

Most people know not to send me conservative emails, so I get very few that upset me. LOL

PJ said...

I'm working on a posting on the suffrage movement that I want to put up before the election...a lot of women suffered terrible torture to give us the right to vote and I want to honor them. Thanks so much for sharing this.

Ces Adorio said...

Tells the truth about our state of politics.