I feel like commenting on the vice-presidential debate of last evening, and don't worry, its simply a random coincidence that those comments will be contained in the same post as manure spreader photos. Ahem.
I watched most of the debate......or, rather.......I LISTENED to most of the debate. For some reason, I have never cared for SEEING the candidates during the debates.........I get distracted by their gestures, expressions, etc. I did glance up a few times last night and did notice the way Sarah Palin stared right at the camera........right at us Americans in TV-Land. Probably, that was a smart move on her part.......eye-contact facilitates bonding.
I don't know that much about politics and issues, but I tried to listen carefully to the questions and answers. I did feel Sarah Palin skirted around several questions, simply saying, "Americans want change." Its a catchy slogan........people latch onto catchy slogans, which help them decide who to vote for in the end. Probably, Joe Biden mentioned a catchy slogan, too. They all do.
I honestly don't know yet who I will vote for. I refuse to buy into this or that party-line about either of the tickets. Liberals will try to say that Sarah Palin is the most awful thing to come along, and conservatives will say she is the best. I don't hold to either view. She's no example of perfect motherhood, nor is she a backwoods idiot. Her path in life led her to where she is. Make no mistake, she was noticed by Republican bigwigs several years ago, just as, I'm sure, Barack Obama was noticed by Democratic higher-ups early on.
Our sports-saturated culture is enamored with winning, and recruiting the best players to make that happen. Its the same in politics, I believe.
I want to not be distracted by the personal side of the candidates. I don't wish to hear anymore about John McCain happening to have been a POW, or Barack Obama happening to have been fathered by a Muslim, or Joe Biden happening to have tragically lost his wife and child in a car accident years ago, or Sarah Palin happening to be a breast-feeding mother. Those kinds of things have nothing to do with being president or vice-president, and I will not listen to anyone who tries to promote or bash candidates on the basis of those personal matters.
I think my favorite part of the debate broadcast last evening was afterwards when the Biden and Palin families were mingling on the stage.........smiling, shaking hands, interacting. Right then I was thankful again to live in a country where debates can be held openly and peacefully. And, frankly, that's what the world needs........peaceful dialogue and interacting amongst human beings. I have to believe people are basically the same across the globe.........caring about their families. Even the bad eggs most likely have a loving family in their background somewhere.
Sarah Palin kept mentioning "tolerance" and "freedom".........that we need to continue those traditions into the future, for the sake of our children. I hope she really means that, and I would hope that is the goal of both sides in this election.
I truly hate to bring up abortion, but am going to. I, thankfully, have never been in a situation where I wished to have an abortion. I do believe that as long as there are humans in existence, there will be abortions happening. Pregnancies are not always wanted, or safe, and, naturally, women bear the brunt of consequenses from having sex. If abortions are made illegal again........they will move underground again. Abstinence is a lofty-minded, but unrealistic pathway. It will never happen in every case, everywhere, humans being humans. What was that line we used to hear......."You can't legislate morality." I hear some Christians----relatives of mine, even----rail on and on about how depraved our American society is........that view based on the abortion and homosexuality issues, mainly. They act like these are new, modern human issues.........GET REAL........they've been around since the beginning of time..........and they will be with us until time ends, humans being humans.
We need to interact as people with each other........meet on the stage of life and get to know each other. I actually believe blogging does that in a tiny way.......allows a chance to reach out to faraway places to interact with other people. Otherwise, we get isolated and more fearful.
Sorry for the rant! Enjoy the upcoming weekend!!
I rather enjoyed your "rant"!! I agree with you on so many things.....I seem to be thinking about something and then I hop over to your blog and in some way, you have touched on a subject that was on my mind.........
Very Cool manure spreader too....to bad it won't look all shiny and new ever again, once it spreads its first few loads of......well, poop!
ha...love the analogy of the manure spreading ... and the new real manure spreader is nice too. I used to help spread manure off the back of a truck on the farm...well...not my farm but as my dad was a country preacher...well, all my friends lived on farms so we would ALL do chores when we were there.
Love your rant. You are insightful. Sigh...You are in tough times down there I am afraid...and your little northern cousins up here are watching anxiously too.
Hi, deserthen!
Yes, I think we all have the election issues on our mind, consciously or subconsciously. But, sometimes I wonder if thoughts don't travel somehow, too.....I've thought that for many years, now.
Hi, trish,
I'd say you were one VERY good friend, if you would help pitch manure with your chums! But, even farm chores can be fun when a group of friends are together!
Oh, yeah.....I just shake my head over the election, and the politicians, and the financial "crisis" stuff. I think, "Why can't we all just be nice to each other and get along." That's like one of the first things we all have to learn as children.....to get along, and share, and be kind.
I'd be interested anytime to hear of the Canadian opinions of U.S. politics.......obviously, I could easily go to Canadian media websites and should do that sometime.
Thanks for your comment!
ohhh I so agree with you on so many levels! Excellent rant!
and I too listen but refuse to WATCH as I get distracted or more often than not if I get in the recliner and call myself watching tv I wake up later and .... well have missed it all!
Hugs Laura
Glad to hear of someone else who'd rather LISTEN than WATCH!
I just listened to the debate too because I was playing computer games during the debate. LOL i didn't even know until today that Sarah Palin kept winking.
That is one bright shiny spreader. I hate to think of it being coated in manure, but that is its purpose, I suppose.
I found your site from Blue's blog. Nice manure spreader! I also enjoyed your "rant." Have a good weekend.
I like that....you were playing computer games during the debate.....multi-tasking! Yes, everything has its purpose.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. You have a good weekend, too!
I agree that too much time is spent on people talking about "the person" (politician) rather than what they have accomplished, or what their actual experience is.
Unfortunately, it is known that the MSM (main stream media) is all rooting & pushing for Obama (hence, no questions into his past, nor questioning his "only 143 days" of actual senatorial experience.) He was even highly favored by the MSM against Hillary.
I invite you to watch Fox news this Sunday night at 9pm eastern/8pm central time. They are doing an in depth hour show about Obama's connections with Ayers, as well as discussing his experience (or lack thereof) - stuff that CBS, NBC, ABC has totally ignored. At least it'll give the whole story for once.
Also, I was tired of how the media is making so much out of Sarah Palin in this debate. But I was also MORE discouraged/disgusted at the 16 DOCUMENTED lies that Joe Biden told outright during the debate. The news brought it up the next day, but unfortunately, too many people make decisions on sound bites and the "overall impression" that one gives during a debate, and probably didn't even realize that he was lying to America.
Lord have mercy on us all during this election.
Hi, anonymous,
Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
I was gone all day and don't know yet who Ayers is or what the connection may be. I will try to tune in to Fox tomorrow night. Thanks. And, I Googled "sixteen lies biden" and, yes, there was a list of websites detailing those.
Be thankful your eyes are open and you can clearly see and will not be manipulated.....by either side, I would hope. My snail mail today included a manipulative conservative mailing. Both sides do it.....and, you're aware of that.
I rarely, rarely watch any TV news, for I feel it to be shallow; simply the handing-out of sound-bytes for us latch onto. Ditto the debate broadcasts.
What is a person to do? How do we go about simply getting unbiased, unskewed facts? That I do not know. Sometimes I think the media people should not even be allowed to do pre-election coverage, for we all are so easily influenced by them.
I just stumbled into a political blog from Canada.....here is part of a comment from someone named "Garth":
"It is not my job (nor your job) as a private citizen to be "fair and balanced": that would lead us into an untenable state of paralysis by analysis. If you're actually planning on voting in this election (regardless of whether it's U.S. or Canada), you're making a choice to filter and overlook the foibles, peccadilloes and general lapses (moral and otherwise) of whichever candidate you're voting for. In fact, in a democracy, we expect that to happen."
How true. The above really made me think.....because I've been trying to look at things in a balanced way, which has led me to think that I won't even bother to vote in this election. I feel like I've been invited to a dinner party and handed the menu which contains only two entree choices, both of which sound unappetizing to me.....but, I must choose one. Arggh!
You ended your comment with the best thought: "Lord, have mercy....."
Here's my perfectly deep political insight: I still like Palin's glasses - a lot.
That's a good one, Caution! I'm sure the eyeglass frame manufacturers are busy filling orders for that style!
It's been a couple of years, almost, since you wrote this – and I still think it's great. Hope you're well.
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