Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reformation Sunday

Today is Reformation Sunday.

Yes......go ahead......any non-Lutheran readers may yawn and sigh "ho-hum".......that's OK. I will not be offended, and neither probably will Dr. Luther. Here's a little statue of him from the vestibule of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Waverly, Iowa.

And......a couple more likenesses of Martin Luther from atop the sitting room fireplace mantle at Scholte House in Pella, Iowa. Click the photo to see the famous/infamous Reformer in enlarged size.

Wafting on the breezes today you may hear the strains of "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" being belted out by Lutheran congregations around the world, and sermons containing synopses of Martin Luther and his role in the attempted Reformation of the Christian Church back in the 1500's.




Are we better off because the Reformation happened? Who knows. I think it was a stumbling step in the progress of the tumultuous upheaval of adolescence or something of that nature.


Nevertheless, I do enjoy singing Martin Luther's hymn, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God", and look forward to belting it out with the rest of the congregation this morning!



Officially, October 31 is Reformation Day, but is celebrated on the closest Sunday in October. The Reformation color is RED, so wear appropriately-hued attire, if possible.......and have a blessed day!!

(P.S. - Husband unexpectedly yanked me away from home for the entire day yesterday......thus, no chance to be at computer. He took me on a long drive, during which I frantically snapped photos of water towers, steeples, old barns, and fall foliage. Its an illness, for sure.)


Adventure girl said...

Wow! Thank you for this. It is very interesting to me because:
A. I just started working for a Lutheran Organization ~

B. Headley is my maiden name and they come from Lutheran heritage!

Have a blessed Sunday!

DesertHen said...

I clicked on the link to the hymn and music filled the daughter had the speakers up loud and I didn't realize it...Lovely hymn. I find your Sunday posts so interesting......both hubby and I have interesting backgrounds when it comes to church...My father was raised Baptist and never set foot in a church again once he was old enough to refuse to go. My mother's family were Mormon, but her mother did not raise her family in the Mormon faith.....they really didn't go to any church much that mom can remember. My MIL's father was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and her mother was Lutheran. My FIL doesn't talk at all about his church going years as a youth, so I'm not sure what church he might have gone to, but I'm thinking Baptist for some neither Hubby and I were raised with any one faith. We were left to decide on our own what to choose. I have been to many churches over the years, where as hubby has stayed away from all churches. We were even married by an ordained minister in a nondemonational chapel because hubby was afraid he would be struck by lightening if he stepped foot in a "real" church......So I find your weekly post very interesting. Thank you for sharing.....I will stop writing now as this is so darn long.

Have a lovely Sunday.......

Jeannelle said...

Hi, adventure girl!

Interesting.....thanks for the link; I will check that out. Hey, we drove by Manchester yesterday....didn't you live there at one time? Thanks for stopping by!


Hi, deserthen,

I like your long comment! have quite a combo of churches in your background!! Tell your hubby he would not be struck by lightning if he entered a "real" church. Its just a building. The real church is the people. I'm glad you clicked to hear the is one of my favorites.....very majestic. Martin Luther was a very interesting person, and a genius in his own way. What he did for Christianity needed to be done, but if he lived nowadays he'd probably be considered a bit of a mental case. Thanks for stopping by!

Country Girl said...

I think it's nice you went on a drive with your husband. I've been taking mine on a daily drive. He seems to enjoy it right now. Take care, my friend.

Dr.John said...

We did sing A Mighty Fortress this morning.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, country girl,

Great to hear that your husband feels up to and is enjoying the drives. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.....did lots of that on the drive yesterday.



That's good to hear! Are you Lutheran? I grew up Baptist and we sang "A Mighty Fortress" quite often.....I wasn't aware enough of the Reformation then to recall whether we sang it in late October each year.

Pat - Arkansas said...

I neither sighed nor ho-hummed. I always enjoy your Sunday posts. I followed the links to the articles on Martin Luther and the Reformation. Some of it I knew (through osmosis, probably) but much I did not know/remember. Interesting stuff, theologically speaking.

We Episcopalians enjoy a hearty singing of "A Mighty Fortress is our God," also, and I sang it many times back in my Baptist days.

I hope you enjoyed your Saturday drive with DH. I look forward to seeing your photos.

Patricia said...

Love that hymn - though we didn't sing it today.

"water towers, steeples, old barns, and fall foliage" - sounds like a perfect day to me - I must have the same illness! =)

Blessings on your week Jeannelle.

Suz Broughton said...

I'm not Lutheran but my kids go to Lutheran school. Thanks for the little lesson.