Monday, October 13, 2008

We the Cats

Hey.......We the Cats of this farm have been trying our darnedest to stay updated on breaking world and national news. Its a challenge because we "lap cats" do not possess laptops. Jeannelle won't discuss the election with us anymore, so we're forced to sneak onto the internet when she's out in the barn. Seeing as we're not house cats, the challenge becomes doubly difficult!

We did manage to learn that Mr. Putin, the Prime Minister of Russia, received a rare Issuri tiger cub for his 56th birthday last week. We're happy to hear he likes cats. We're not happy to hear there might be a revival of the Cold War. Jeannelle has a good friend who visited Russia a couple years ago, and she said the people are kind and generous over there.......although they don't smile very much. (She also said the Moscow subway is absolutely stunning to see,......along with all the treasures in the Hermitage Palace in St. Petersburg.)
This next photo shows a Cold War stand-off being acted out. Who is who......we don't know. You decide.
Here's my best imitation of a SCARY world leader.........your choice.......
Furby is deep in thought trying to figure out the best attitude to adopt towards the presidential campaign in these final weeks before the election:


Ack!........Bleh!........this'll do for an attitude, I guess! ( the pinky claw, there, fella.....)

Have a meow-y Monday the 13th!




Trish said...

Happy Monday Jeannelle. When IS that election of yours. Gosh...we will have been finished our voting campaigning etc. all in a few weeks and now, yep...we are getting tired of the mudslinging we see on the American news too! It is like watching a train don't know if you really want to see the end or not.

Prayers are with you....we are all in this together I am afraid....the whole family including the 'cousins' to the north.

Adventure girl said...

So fun and cute! Great way to start a Monday morning! Thank you;)

Adventure girl said...

I've scheduled (I will be in Omaha for my new job)(I'd rather be doing chores on my farm;) a post JUST FOR YOU for this Wednesday;) Hope you like it;)

DesertHen said...

Very cute post.....loved it.....=)

Very cute kitties three kitties would be jealous as your kitties are outdoor kitties and mine are not......we have way to many coyotes out here and they like to pick off the outdoor cats. So my kitties are very, very spoiled indoor kitties.

Russell said...

Heh! I love these kittens! I grew up on a dairy farm and we had 45 or so cats and kittens around - not so unusual with a dairy farm!

Every cat had a name and people were amazed we could tell one tiger cat from another!

I always enjoy your posts, Jeannelle! It is nice to have such a good Iowa blog to visit!

Take care.

Russell said...

Goodness... Jeannelle! No need to apologize! Thank you, but it is certainly not necessary.

I was being overly sensitive the other day when I read your nice post and if anyone needs to apologize it is ME to YOU! Goodness!

Yes, I will admit, I feel very sad at times about having gone through a divorce. I guess I feel the sting of it all yet. But, no, no - there is no need to apologize! But thank you...

To be very honest, divorce is one of many issues that can be pulled out of a person's past and used against him or her in an election. Ronald Reagan had to deal with it and other people have to deal with past drug experimentation, military avoidance, and certainly all the issues you set out in that post. That is life - right, wrong or otherwise.

Take care and know I always enjoy reading your post and your insights on so many issues!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I love the kitties. Can we have one of them run for president?

Suz Broughton said...

Aw, so cute, but also enormously funny! Thanks for the laugh.

Egghead said...

Oh I want the little tiger striped fur ball. He has his fur all up in a dander but he is so darned cute. Can you ship him/her?