Monday, November 3, 2008

My Mom & Voting

My dear, sweet, meek mother was at my house all day today. When she walked in this morning, here's the first thing she said:

"Well, it looks like WE will be voting for McCain."

I replied, "Mom.....uh......what's with the WE? Are you suddenly more than one person?"

She said, "Oh, you know.......HE (her husband/my stepdad) doesn't like Obama."

I said, " you not recall that voting is a private and your husband do not enter the voting booth together to pull the lever."
Seriously, if any of you folks who read my blog think I am should meet my mom......."Doormat" could be her middle name.
Mom and I talked for quite awhile about the candidates, and discussed the abortion issue at length. Someday I'll blog about that. When I was growing up, I recall Mom saying many times that she would never deliver at a Catholic hospital because she believed the staff there would save a baby before saving the mother. I'm guessing she heard that from HER mother. Mom is also very much of the opinion that rape victims should certainly be allowed prompt treatment to prevent a resultant pregnancy.
Anyhow, even though my mom nearly drives me batty with her doormattiness, it was good to have the conversation that we did. When she left, she said, "I'm really glad we had that talk about the election. I know who I'm going to vote for now." Who that is, I'm not sure, and it doesn't matter. Just so she makes up her own mind about who to pull the lever for.


Country Girl said...

I hope it's her own decision, too.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

My mom once shocked me by saying she thought abortion should be legal. (We were Baptists, remember.) Sometime women of the earlier generation can surprise us.

I'm glad you helped your mom find her own power in this decision.

DesertHen said...

So glad you and your mother were able to have an open conversation on various matters. My mom and I are able to talk about so much and I am so thankful for that. We enjoyed many an evening in the past month or so talking about who we were going to vote for. I enjoyed those talks.

Jeannelle said...

country girl, ruth, deserthen,

Yes, I'm really glad Mom and I had the election discussion, even though she really does almost drive me up the wall sometimes with her nonassertiveness.