Hey.......if there are any researchers out there trying to discover the cure for loitering.......here it is.......shown on this thermometer:
Woof! Woof! Excuse me.......I was wrong........we did see a sun dog loitering in the sky this morning:
My chore boots are constructed of materials that are supposed to keep feet warm in temperatures down to -20 degrees F., and they did seem to be doing their job this morning, in spite of the -35 degree wind chill factor. Though, if I'd foolishly indulged in loitering out in the windy cold, my feet would have quickly succombed to a freezing numbness.
I would imagine that in extreme cold weather conditions like we have today, there is a drop in crimes, misdemeanors, and sins that involve being out-of-doors. What criminal in his right mind would loiter around on an icy cold night, stalking someone or waiting for the right moment to break in and steal something. Drug dealing, or adultery, or any number of disreputable activities that might depend on a clandestine meeting out-of-doors, would need to be rethought or the plan nixed altogether. Just think.......what an improved society we might have if we were reined in by extreme cold more often!!
Not surprisingly, our rural church cancelled Sunday services today. After morning chores, we enjoyed family bantering and a pancake breakfast, followed by more frosting of cookies and watching of football games and a movie, Crimes and Misdemeanors. I enjoy the slow-paced, almost-buried humor in that odd story, with the interspersed old movie clips connecting the two seemingly unrelated story-lines. Perfect for a cold winter afternoon's entertainment.
And, finally......here's something that gave me a chuckle today: This morning, as I was stirring pancake batter, Husband was perusing an Iowa history and trivia book......he suddenly said, "Hey, did you guys know Iowa has a song?" To which Daughter replied, "Yeah......its Fight, Fight, Fight for Iowa-a-a!" I shook my head and said, "No, no......that's the U of Iowa Fight Song, not the state of Iowa's song." We peered over Husband's shoulder to view the lyrics of the Iowa song. Here's my reason for chuckling......the song is sung to the tune of "O Tannenbaum" (the carol "O Christmas Tree"), which was the subject of my blogpost this morning! None of the family knew that. Heehee......go ahead and belt it out:
You asked what land I love the best,
Iowa, tis Iowa.
The fairest State of all the west,
Iowa, O! Iowa.
From yonder Mississippi's stream
To where Missouri's waters gleam
O! fair it is as poet's dream,
Iowa, in Iowa.
See yonders fields of tasseled corn,
Iowa in Iowa.
Where plenty fills her golden horn,
Iowa in Iowa.
See how her wonderous prairies shine.
To yonder sunset’s purpling line,
O! happy land, O! land of mine,
Iowa, O! Iowa.
And she has maids whose laughing eyes,
Iowa, O! Iowa.
To him whose loves were Paradise,
Iowa, O! Iowa.
O! happiest fate that e’er was known.
Such eyes to shine for one alone,
To call such beauty all his own.
Iowa, O! Iowa.
Go read the story of thy past,
Iowa, O! Iowa.
What glorious deeds, what fame thou hast!
Iowa, O! Iowa.
So long as time’s great cycle runs,
Or nations weep their fallen ones,
Thou’lt not forget thy patriot sons,
Iowa, O! Iowa.
Oh, yeah.......one would soon tire of singing "Iowa, O! Iowa" over and over again!
Here is info about how the song came to be written. And, here's a site which would lead you to all 50 state songs, should you be loitering there at your computer with lots of free time on your hands. If you're from Iowa and are sitting there perplexed because you're thinking that Iowa's song surely must be, "The Iowa Corn Song"........Oh, we're from Ioway, Ioway.......that's where the tall corn grows!.......well, you were mistaken, as was I.
Stay WARM........and, if you abide in a warmer clime, then stay COOL!
[P.S. - Here's a link to another Iowa song, shown on YouTube: The Iowa Waltz. I had not heard of it before someone kindly mentioned it in a comment on this post.]
Cool! :) It was a lot warmer here today.. wind chill was 13 (above) when I headed for church this morning. I don't like cold weather here, and I probably wouldn't like it there, either.) However, some good comes out of a few days of hard freeze - kills the ticks and chiggers. :)
Where is the stanza in the Iowa state song about snow up to your eyeballs, frozen milk and frost-bit tootsies?
Awesome Sunday morn! We have the same weather here!
I've got three things to say:
1) Churches in the city don't have the good sense to close when it's this cold.
2) "Cure for loitering." Love it.
3) I would have thought Fairfield native Greg Brown's Iowa Waltz had been made the state song years ago! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-Q2UiFoshE) It's beautiful. But Wikipedia says it was turned down. For something sung to the tune of O Tannenbaum? What did he do, seduce the mayor's daughter before leaving town?
Okay, four things.
4) Crimes and Misdemeanors is a fantastic film. Even though the bad guy gets away with it, I leave it feeling that virtue has been affirmed. Does that make sense?
I can relate to the cold. I haven't left the house for 2 days!
Hi, Pat,
Hey, it does sound pretty chilly down your way now, too, so bundle up and stay warm. And, you're right about the cold weather killing off unwanted bugs and germs.....that's a good thing to keep in mind. I just watched the 5 p.m. national news and, my goodness, winter has hit hard all over the country!
I think you've got a good start on writing another verse for the Iowa song!
Hi, adventuregirl,
Hey, you better bundle up, too, and drive safe, and all that! Thanks for stopping by.....I hope you're all ready for Christmas....I'll bet Cooper is!
Hi, Sempringham,
Oh, funny.....thanks for the link to the "Iowa Waltz".....I had not heard of it before! Yes, very pretty song. I think I'll add the link to the post.
As for the movie.....yeah, I understand what you said, because that's how I felt too, in the end. Judah was very human, so torn and had deep regrets, making one more apt to sympathize with him, perhaps. I love Woody's character, too....goodness....upbeat in his own odd way and doggedly hopeful, even after losing. Just a great mix of interesting characters in the story.
Hi, Alicia,
And, that's a good idea when its as cold as it is. There's really no point to being out in temperatures that cold. Hopefully, you are stocked up on groceries and won't have to go out for awhile. We're extra fortunate here.....we don't even have to go to the store to buy milk!
We have been trying to keep warm here the last few days too! The kids have been helping out with the daily chores since they were home so that helped us out ALOT...less time outside for all of us!
When I'm wondering what my brother and family are facing weatherwise...I just come over here and check! Brrrr!
We are having extreme cold here as well...breaking all kinds of records for our area (known to be mild).
I see it's snowing on your blog as well...I rather like that!
Tooooo cold for me!
It was cold this morning and got colder when I broke the horses ice.
Supposed to be seven degrees tonight. That would seem like a heat wave to you.
Stay warm and enjoy the holidays!
Hi, Frazzled,
Oh, yes, it is a treat to have the kids around at chore time for a change! They get so busy with school activities, I'm almost relieved that the weather cancelled all that for a few days.
Take care and stay warm! Hopefully, you haven't had any power outages.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi, Judy,
This evening I saw news reports from the snows in Seattle. People were skiing and sledding on some of the hilly streets! I take it that its unusual for Seattle to get snow? And, you aren't too far from there, right?
Stay warm and I hope your weather gets back to normal soon! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi, Gail,
Well.....seven degrees would seem warm IF there was NO accompanying wind. Hopefully, you will have NO wind to go with your very cold temperatures. That can make such a huge difference in how the cold affects everything. Take care! Thanks for stopping in!
Oh my goodness, your post about the weather sure made me COLD! I don't think I'd go out at all when the temperature was that low! Try to stay warm.
Cold here today but NUTHIN' like you're having out there, my friend! Wow.
My favorite line of this post:
there is a drop in crimes, misdemeanors, and sins that involve being out-of-doors.
You know those sins that involve being out-of-doors, right? You crack me up, girl.
Hi, Country Girl,
We-e-ll....I'm guessing there must be sins that occur out-of-doors. Just a guess, of course!
Thanks for stopping by! I'm still thinking of your recent photo of the ice-covered blades of grass, or whatever they were---it's a gorgeous photo!!
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