Saturday, December 6, 2008

Searching For Betsy

Buster's world is bit colorless today.......he's without his constant companion.......
Its not been a very good day.......far worse than my silly Tchaikovsky error is the fact that our good Australian Shepherd, Betsy, has turned up missing. All of us around here are racking our brains to try and pinpoint when we last saw her. Husband says Betsy was with him in the cowyard yesterday afternoon before he came into the house for a nap. I was in such a hurry feeding calves last evening---in order to get done in time to go to the basketball game---that I don't recall noticing whether Betsy was around or not. Its not like her to wander off. We've driven to several neighbors' places to see if they've seen her. I'm goin to go drive around some more in a little while.
Here's a glimpse at the weather today.......windy and cold. The sparrows have no knowledge of where Betsy could be, either.
I traipsed around the rows of big round cornstalk bales, checking the sheltered spots to see if Betsy might be sleeping there. No, she was not. Husband and I checked every shed several times, and any other places where Betsy might have inadvertantly become trapped.

Husband is very bummed out; Betsy is his right-hand helper, daily by his side to help move cows in and out of the barn, and help with other livestock work. Buster has never been very good at helping with chores......he's more focused on having fun.
Here's a brighter note to end this post: this is some sort of barberry bush, I think, and it is certainly adding color to the snowdrifts near the house.


Nancy said...

Sorry about Betsy, I hope you're able to find her. Our little Sammy is strictly a house dog, but he did get away once. I know it is very nerve wracking to be missing a pet.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I'm so sorry. I'll say a prayer that she turns up soon.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Oh, my! Sending up prayers that Betsy is found safe and sound.

rhymeswithplague said...

I hope you find Betsy soon, and that she is safe and well.

Jeannelle said...

Nancy, Ruth, Pat, rhymsie,

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers for dear little Betsy. I'm completely mystified as to where she might be. We've looked high and low all day, and it is so dangerously cold out.....

Trish said...

Oh please post an update on poor Betsy. I am so sorry she hasn't turned up. A sad post indeed.

One of His said...

Sure hope you find Betsy and she's okay.

DesertHen said...

Oh Jeannelle, I hope you find heart aches for all of you and Buster too.......please keep us posted. (((((HUGS)))) to all of you.