Thursday, January 1, 2009

Outback Bowl

If ESPN made its way to our TV receiver, I would be watching the Iowa Hawkeyes battle South Carolina in the Outback Bowl from Tampa, Florida right now. We've never been able the justify spending the money for satellite TV service or the Readlyn Telephone Company's rural cable packages.......I'll take internet service any day over cable TV, thank you very much. As a result, however, our teenage son has fled to a friend's house today so he can watch the Hawkeyes play.
Iowa boys going shirtless in January.......what's the world coming to?!
At the time of this typing, Iowa is up, 31-7, in the third quarter! I wonder if Kirk Ferentz will stay around? He seems like a nice guy, but if the NFL comes calling, probably no one could blame him for jumping at the chance to coach there.
Hm-m......let's see what other exciting tidbits I can come up with. Oh, yes......yesterday after the funeral lunch I added insult to injury to my tired feet by going grocery shopping. One of the first items I spied in the store was this package of Russell Stover Mississippi Mud Truffles on clearance.......I couldn't pass them up, especially since the Mississippi Mud Bars I made for the funeral had been completely gobbled up, leaving none for me to eat!
As a New Year's gift, I bought Mookie a skein of yarn which she's been gleefully scampering around with. Someone needs to get busy and roll it into a tight ball.
Uncharacteristic for me, I had no grocery list in hand at the store yesterday, so it was completely amazing when my brain reminded me to look for something called "Mexicorn", an ingredient in The Cows' corn dip recipe. I'm planning to make that dip for a family gathering coming up this weekend which should mark the end of this holiday season's celebrations. I've had enough, thank you.
Are you following a favorite football team in a bowl today? Do you have New Year's Day traditions.......other than the usual ones of watching parades and bowl games? For some odd reason, I used to mop the kitchen floor on New Year's Day, but have happily set that custom aside in recent years. I take the old calendars down and put up new ones, and go through bills, writing as many checks as possible dated 12/31/08, to finish out the year's farm business. Milk prices are taking a nosedive again.......the bills will be paid with money that exists only in the netherworld of the farm credit line. If only expenses would dive in tandem with milk prices! Oh, don't worry.......I know that many, many people are in much worse financial straits, possibly without employment or even a home. I've got to get that "attitude of gratitude" thing jump-started here on January 1st, 2009!
I hope you're enjoying a pleasant, restful New Year's Day!!


Anonymous said...

Iowa took advantage of the gamecock turnovers and controlled field position all game long. Very nice job.

Pat - Arkansas said...

No bowl games for me, thank you. I have been indulging in the "Tom & Jerry" cartoon marathon being broadcase on the Boomerang network. I started off the day with "Looney Tunes" which is also running most of the day. I am in my second childhood, I guess (if I ever left the first one.) I have always enjoyed cartoons, the sillier the better. Not the "modern" ones (I have watched about 1 minute of The Simpsons), but the old ones that have been around most of my life.

I'll be going to eat Hoppin' John with my daughter's family in an hour or so, wrapping up the New Year's Day activities.

I hope the cow's Mexicorn Dip turns out well; enjoy! :)

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

We watched the Chicago Blackhawks lose in an outdoor hockey game. And now we're watching the Rose Bowl and rooting for Penn State because we can't stand USC.

Did I tell you Happy New Year yet? If not, Happy New Year.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Big Ten,

I'm happy for the Hawks!


Hi, Pat,

Hey, good for you.....a day of cartoons! I enjoy Looney Toons, too, and old Disney....Pluto, especially.

Have never heard of Hoppin' that a food dish or a restaurant? Enjoy your evening!


Hi, Ruth,

Enjoy the Rose Bowl! Amazing it is that Joe Paterno keeps right on a-coaching.

Egghead said...

Not a football fan here but hubby and son are watching the Rose Bowl. I am recovering from taking care of grandchildren for five days.

Bren Haas said...

I had to stop by and wish the author of one of my favorite blog sites a very Happy New Years! I love the tractor photo at the top of your page becuase it reminds me of warm summer days out in the fields in my neck of the woods. I am in Ohio!

HAppy New Year from my garden in the Midwest!

Judy said...

I'm just popping by to wish you happy new year! And...guess what I did today? I paid farm bills...with cheques dated Dec. 31, 2008.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Egghead,

I hope you got some well-deserved rest today! Your Rose Bowl watchers were probably rooting for USC.....not the case here.


Hi, Bren,

Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad now that I left the summer hay field photo on the header....had thought about changing it for winter, but I enjoy the reminder of summer warmth, and am glad you do, too.

Hi, Judy,

Oh, that's funny! The common bond of dairy farm wives on New Year's Day.....pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

I love your playlist! The song Fields of Gold was on the the cd player the first time my husband and I kissed. He said it was the hottest kiss he'd ever had!

Gail said...

Attitude of Gratitude! I like that.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Anonymous,

I love your comment. What a great memory you have there.


Hi, Gail,

Yes.....if only I can manage to keep that attitude a-going in my own life!

Anonymous said...

So sorry you missed the game. it was great! We switched over to watch the MSU game at noon, which they lost, but the USC team beat Penn and that was fun. So three bowl games for us, and a buffet of cold cuts and dips. It was a grazing kinda day and we enjoyed it. Sure hope you did as well Jeannelle. Happy New Year.