Thursday, January 1, 2009


Here's an article that explains better than I could the attitude I would like to cultivate in myself in 2009. Can it be accomplished? Who knows.

(By Kay Judge & Maxine Barish-Wreden
McClatchy Newspapers
Friday, December 19, 2008)

Research suggests that the regular cultivation of gratitude and appreciation has multiple psychological and physical benefits.

Thankful people typically boast better overall health, fewer physical symptoms, higher income, more energy, larger social networks and stronger marriages. They also exercise more.

They fall asleep more easily at night. They sleep longer and more soundly, and they wake up more refreshed.

The practice of gratitude may increase the levels of immunoglobulin A in your throat and nose, increasing your ability to resist viral infections.

Gratitude practices seem to reduce stress hormone levels in the body.

People who cultivate gratitude, optimism and happiness live longer than grumpy pessimists.

Even curmudgeons can become beacons of optimism. Research has shown that only about 50 percent of our mood is determined by our genetics. The rest is largely determined by what we choose to focus on and cultivate. This focus takes commitment and practice.

Dr. Robert Emmons, a psychology researcher at University of California-Davis and one of the leading gratitude researchers in the country, suggests a number of practices that, if done faithfully, will have you grateful in no time:

• Keep a daily gratitude journal in which you make note of all the good things and the gifts that have come your way that day.

• Promise yourself to practice gratitude regularly.

• Focus on the good things that others have done for you. This makes us realize how interdependent we are and makes us realize that we are loved.

• Learn to develop a language of gratitude rather than a language of complaint. Ask your friends and family to help you. It’s often hard to see for ourselves how much we’re complaining.

• Use your senses to come into the present and appreciate the small gifts in the moment the smile of a child, the smell of your first cup of coffee in the morning, the beauty of a sunset.

• Take grateful actions. Smile, perform random acts of kindness, help a stranger.

We suspect that if most people engaged in these practices on a regular basis, the world would be a much happier and healthier place. And, people might need doctors like us a lot less frequently, and that’s good medicine.


Egghead said...

Jeannelle this is such a great post. I strive to think positively every day. Some days it is harder than others and I am certainly not always successful. But it does seem to get a little easier and I do feel better when I make myself be grateful daily. Thanks for a great article and reminder that for 2009 I should strive to do this.

Happy New Year. Blessings to you and yours.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

thank you I needed this this morning. sometimes it takes something so simple to bring out what we already know.
Love and hugs and happy Jan 1st!

Mary said...

So very true! I think the idea of a gratitude journal is a great one. Imagine the good feeling you would get reading it a year later!

Wishing you and your family joy in the New Year!

Nancy said...

This is a great article. It's always good to have specific things to do to cultivate a certain habit. It makes resolutions more attainable for sure. Have a nice New Year's Day!

Deb said...

I very much like this post. Gratitude! Thank you Jeannelle for posting such a positive piece.

Putz said...

i read the cat books where the cat was always in the middle of a who dun it mystery the cat and the red shawl or whatever, and since it is new years and since i have offended some in the old year{eggy and rymsee}i will add you to someone to visit...this is just like the old pen pal buds i had in grade school and you will be my dairy maid bud...we have an art king just up our street on cow road wh has a massive dairy,,,,we are in turkey country also...ephraim right smack in the middle of now where utar

Putz said...

i read the cat books where the cat was always in the middle of a who dun it mystery the cat and the red shawl or whatever, and since it is new years and since i have offended some in the old year{eggy and rymsee}i will add you to someone to visit...this is just like the old pen pal buds i had in grade school and you will be my dairy maid bud...we have an art king just up our street on cow road wh has a massive dairy,,,,we are in turkey country also...ephraim right smack in the middle of now where utar

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

i like this. Thank you for posting it. I'm grateful. :-)

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Egghead,

Sounds like you're on the gratitude track already! Good for you!


Hi, Laura,

I heard on the news that Georgia has very cool weather today! Stay warm!


Hi, Mary,

Thanks for stopping by....I really like your photo blogs!


Hi, Nancy,

Thank you for visting and commenting! Have a wonderful day!


Hi, Deb,

Yes, the author of this article really put alot of great thoughts together! I was happy to stumble onto it the other day in the newspaper.


Hi, Putz,

Welcome! I've seen a book series about a woman who solves mysteries and there's a cat involved, too, but have not read them.

I'm happy to have you as a visitor. Fire away, but you may have to try pretty hard to offend would take profanity or the like.....or picking on The Cows or Cats!

Are you the road named "Cow Road" or is that a nickname? I'd be curious to know how many cows are milked at the "massive" dairy.

Yes, I liken blogging to having pen pals, only you don't have to wait long for the return mail! Which is a good deal for an impatient person like me.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Ruth,

Your comment sneaked in there while I was writing my comment above. Hope you're having a pleasant New Year's Day!

DesertHen said...

I actually read that article some place recently, but now I can't remember where???? It is filled with such good information and being greatful is so very important. I started to change my thinking and thought patterns early in 2008 and so much in my life has changed since! I will continue on with that process and I truly feel it works......

Happy New Year to you...=)