Thursday, February 12, 2009

Clermont's Lincoln

Today's honor of the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth (Where was he born, by the way?):
This statue---erected in 1902--- stands in the historic town of Clermont, in northeast Iowa, U.S.A. The sculpture's creator is George Bissell.
(Click here to see another presidential statue by George Bissell.)
President Lincoln holds the The Emancipation Proclamation in his hand:

Civil War Era scenes, with inscriptions, grace the four sides of the statue's base.
"With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." (From Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865) :

"They have won the nation's gratitude and undying laurels, not to be forgotten by future generations......". (By Major General Ullysses S. Grant, April 8, 1862, in his general orders to the Army of Tennessee, after the Battle of Shiloh):

I think this next inscription reads, "Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bond of affection......." (From the final paragraph of
Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861). Geo. Bissell's name is etched on the lower right of the scene:
"The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." (From final paragraph of Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address):

This same George Bissell sculpture of Lincoln stands in Edinburgh, Scotland, in memory of Scottish-American soldiers.

Click the above photo to enlarge and read the plaque. It says the statue was given to Clermont by Governor William Larrabee, whose mansion, Montauk, sits high on a hilltop estate overlooking the town. Montauk is a state historical site and is available for tours.
Guess what.......on a much more minor is the 2nd birthday of my blog! It was by random chance that I began blogging on a February 12. That it was Lincoln's birthday did not factor in to my decision......not as I recall, anyway. Certainly, I've always greatly admired Abraham Lincoln. Back in grade school, we once had an assignment to write about the person from history we would most like to meet, and my choice was Abraham Lincoln.
I hope you enjoyed this "link-laden" Lincoln Birthday blogpost. This is my 817th post. 817 posts in 730 an average of 1.12 posts per day. If you're a blogger......what's your posting average?


Gigi Ann said...

It's funny, because I never think about when I started my blog or how many posts I've posted. I will have to go and and see if I can figure it out.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

I have been blogging longer, but have quite a few less posts LOL...
I love this post. Happy Bloggerversary!!!!!!!

Pat - Arkansas said...

It was a happy day for me when I discovered your blog, Jeannelle! Happy Blogaversary to you... and many more!

Kat Mortensen said...

You might be surprised to learn that a young Canadian girl got the Civil War Cemetery tour when she was oh, seven years old. My dad was a history buff and we drove to Washington D.C. that summer. I saw the house where Betsy Ross sewed the American flag, Stonewall Jackson's monument, everything in Washington D.C., including the famous theatre where Lincoln was shot and we even made a trip to Gettysburg. It was a memorable trip - even for a little Canuck, like me.

I found a link about Lincoln's birthplace here:


Kat Mortensen said...

Oops! Had to get my calculator - Congrats on your 2 years, Jeannelle. Mine's coming up in May, I think (have to check my archives).

I try to post every few days, but it's not always possible - I post as the poems come, mainly. With Blasts From the Past, it's a little over a week between posts, usually. The 1 year anniversary for that one is not until August, I think.

Your blog is always so much fun, so entertaining and enlightening. I love it!


Reader Wil said...

Your SWF photo is a great success! Excellent. Congratulations on your second blogging anniversary!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This was a wonderful post to read! I am a fan of Lincoln but forgot today was his birthday ..shame on me.

I started out blogging every day but I do it more every ohter to every third day now. It's hard for me to read other blog and respond to comments otherwise.

Susie of Arabia said...

Just wanted to thank you fo rhosting SkyWatch - your photo is beautiful and I love the sundogs. Congrats also on your bloggiversary. I liked the photos and info on Lincoln too.

Jan said...

Love your post and photos. Happy Blog Anniversary.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gramma Ann,

Your dashboard page shows how many posts you've done. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known my total.


Hi, Laura,

Thanks for swinging by and Happy Blogging!


Hi, Pat,

Oh, you're so a Valentine. Fun word--Blogaversary!


Hi, Poetikat,

That's wonderful you've done a grand tour of U.S. historical sites....good for you!

Thanks for your kind words. And, what a neat thought---"as the poems come".....that would make a good blog title. It made me think of that old TV show, too, "As the World Turns".


Hi, Reader Wil,

Thank you for stopping in from SWF and for your kind words.


Hi, Pat@MilleFiori,

Thanks for your comment. It is true, keeping up with comments and other blogs is more difficult if I post every day, and I should get out of the manic habit of posting so often.


Hi, Susie of Arabia,

Thank you, too, for surfing over from SWF and for your thoughtful comment.


Hi, Jan,

Thank you, too, for taking time to visit and comment, and for the good wishes!