Saturday, February 14, 2009

Jacob & Frederika

Forgive me.......I've been sorting through old pictures today, while cleaning a closet in fits and starts. The old photos keep distracting me......especially this handsome couple, Jacob and Frederika, who are distant.....very distant......relatives of my husband. And, they really do look distant, don't they. I wonder if they ever had a happy Valentine's Day.


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I love that photo. Old-timers always look so stern because they had to hold still so long. Wouldn't it be great to see how they looked laughing?

Trish said...

what a great photo! Oh you are nuts Jeannelle! Grin....Happy Valentines day to you! Love the card below!!!!!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

love the old photo! Have a couple very simular to it here of ancestors... can you imagine how long they had to sit to have that picture made!
hAPPY Vday!

Gail said...

What a wonderful teasure!

Jeannelle said...

Ruth, Trish, Laura, Gail,

Thanks for commenting on Jacob and Frederika....hopefully their faces would crack a smile at the attention.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting to read and see old family history. obviously some old European names. I am currently typing up some family history to email to siblings and cousins,and the names Hendrika and Arie and Cornelis are common. Dairymary

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Dairymary,

That's great you're preserving family history and sharing it. Keep up the good work. Interesting names...."Arie", now that's different. My grandfather had an "Aunt Ary" and I've always wondered what the name "Ary" is short for. Old common names in German cemeteries around here are Wilhelm and Wilhelmina, Friedrich and Frederika, Johann and Johanna.

Jeannelle said...


What a good probably was a challenge to get the buggy home before tearing off those somber outfits and getting down to business. One can only hope.