Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sumac Head Makeover

Emerging briefly from my supposed blogging "break" to show you this sumac head makeover photo:
Sometimes I purchase an item and then stuff it away in a closet for several months before deciding to use it, a habit probably symptomatic of some dire mental illness. The purchase was frivolous and inwardly I was aware of that, hence my hiding of the purchase to cover my guilt for time. Such was the case with this Photoshop Elements 6 which I bought last summer. (That's not the expensive version, don't worry.) It cost about $70, which is enough, of course. Last night, I summoned the courage to open the package and install it on the computer. Before turning in for the night, I fiddled around with this sumac head photo. Not anything fantastic, but it was FUN......therapeutic and beneficial to the psyche, even. Its a vicious circle.


Deb said...

Yes...therapeutic! I find blogging and messing with photos is very therapeutic.
good job, btw!

Anonymous said...

Not to worry Jeannelle. I think a lot of us are having some blogging issues right now. I'm pretty self-involved and not commenting much. Just too busy. I got your pictures but couldn't open them, alas, don't know what the problem was. Blessings and know that I do stop by and read, if I don't always talk!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

so I have a hard time trying to make photo shop work... is this easier and more friendly than you expected???

Nancy said...

That picture turned out pretty cool. I'll bet you could take an outside picture and turn the grass green, the sky blue, and put some leaves on the trees. It might do something for our winter doldrums.

Jeannelle said...


Thank you. And, ditto and amen and I second that to what you said about working with photos!



Ok, you know what needs to happen go break open that Photoshop CD and install it, pronto! Then use it immediately, too.



You forever hold a special place in my blogging heart for you were one of the first people to actually read and comment on my blog. I was thrilled!

Yes, I feel very wrapped up in myself as far as blogging is concerned.....maybe its a personality trait of many bloggers. In real life, we're always doing, doing, doing for others, but on the blog we need to do for ourselves.

Take care and happy blogging!



I didn't know what to expect as I know nothing about Photoshop. I simply opened up this photo in it and started clicking buttons. There's no way I can tell you what I did, for I don't know. So, yes, I guess it did seem easy, but I had no preconceived notions of what I wanted to do with the photo, either.



You're exactly correct. The world inside a photo can be completely altered by Photoshop or other editing programs. Quite amazing, and yes, a mood brightener, especially in the drabness and cold of winter.

Gail said...

I am currently looking for a photo program. Three differant cameras use my computer. I do not like editing in paint.

Let me know how it goes.