Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Am Straightened

Ok, this is your massage reporter checking in with a report of how I felt the morning after my arduous session of being worked over by the massage therapist. First let me say that there was much soreness throughout the day of the massage, mostly in my upper back. A long afternoon nap might have been just the ticket, instead of being on my feet all day preparing for our supper guests.

Digression: After the lasagna was eaten and dishes packed into the dishwasher, I sank into the plushness of the couch and listened comfortably to the conversation continuing around the dining table. We enjoyed getting acquainted with my daughter’s new friend. My initial impressions of him were positive, but I’ve been down this road before with my older kids, and, the fact is… just never know how things will go.

More digression: One thing in his favor---he was quite interested in my collection of field rocks, which litter the house here and there. Yes, I love “pretty” rocks……I just can’t pass them up out there in the field. He especially liked the Great Lakes/Lake Superior agate I found here on our farm several years ago. Its not pictured in this photo, but if you search “agate” in my blog’s search bar, you’ll find a post about it. Our former milk truck driver, who has now gone back to teaching high school science, is a rock hound, too. He said my house will never blow away in a windstorm because its weighted down with so many rocks! Alright! I can dig it!


After my daughter and her friend left around 10 p.m., I grabbed my laptop from its resting place below these lighted fake branches and wrote the previous post while the details of the morning’s massage were still fairly clear in my mind. When finished, I gulped down two ibuprofen and hobbled off to bed, wondering what on earth I would feel like in the morning.


Well, guess what……I slept very well, for once totally oblivious to my husband’s log-sawing. Upon awakening, I was at first afraid to move, but then did, and felt……well, no pain or stiffness in my back, that’s for sure. My ankles were a bit stiff, as usual, protesting the fact that they must tote me around for another day. But, amazingly, my back felt great.

I’ll try to explain what I mean. Slouching has been a lifelong habit for me. My mom used to yell at me, “L.J., straighten up!!” And, she meant that literally……”straighten up your shoulders!” Sometimes she made me walk around with a book balanced on my head in hopes of posture improvement, but I simply never felt comfortable throwing my shoulders back and thrusting the chest out. Egads.

I recall that one of my grandmothers had a dowager hump in her back and lately I’ve felt headed down the same road. Its been a painful effort recently to hold my shoulders out and straight……it would hurt so bad between my shoulder blades that I’d rather just collapse inward, and that’s bad for lungs and heart. But---get this---this morning it felt completely comfortable and normal to stand perfectly straight. No pain in the areas between my shoulder blades and spine……and, that is exactly where the therapist did her most intense kneading and digging, causing me much discomfort during the massage. There was much cracking and thunking going on inside my back at that point; it must have been like undoing a knotted rope.

Ok, that is the actual truth, folks. I want to be honest about this massage experience……it did hurt immensely, but perhaps the discomfort will turn out to have been worth it. And, perhaps the pain was so intense because it was my first time. I’m going to wait a month or so before using the other gift certificate. Someone commented that the second day after the massage might be the worst, so I’ll let you know if that happens.

When I said that the massage therapist got her start while training horses, that really is true, but not from massaging horses. She told me she would walk up behind other trainers and rub their shoulders and they would say, “Oh, that feels so good……you should think about becoming a massage therapist.” And, she did. She attended a school called “Healing Hands”, and, well, maybe that is a part of what they’re able to accomplish.

Massage reporter signing off now……have a wonderful day!


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Are you going to go for the second one? You might find it considerably easier.

Deb said...

So sorry that you had pain associated with your massage. You can tell them the level of deepness you want. I've had massages at a spa and then at a chiropractors office...the latter was so hard I hurt for a week.
Go back again and tell them to go a little easier. And don't ever opt for the rock least for me, I hated it. The rocks kept falling rocks!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better today. Hope tomorrow is also a good one, and that you'll look forward to your next massage.

I like your rocks.

Caution/Lisa said...

This is such an interesting learning experience for me! Thank-you for going :) I once sent K for a massage, and he came home hurting so much he ended up in physical therapy for several weeks!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

sounds wonderful...

Jeannelle said...


You're probably correct. I'm hoping to go back in perhaps a month.


Hi, Deb,

Thanks for the tips. I will tell her to use less pressure next time. I don't think she uses rocks, I didn't see any.



Thank you for your kind words. I still feel nicely straight today, too. That rather amazes me.


Hi, caution,

Oh, my.....and did your husband come home doubting your love for him? I'm happy to say I don't need physical therapy to recup from the massage.


Hi, Laura,

Thanks for stopping in!

Gail said...

You may become addicted to this new pain free posture.

Gail said...

I can't believe I forgot to tell you how much I love your branches and the picture with it. Did you do that too?

I am also a rock hound. I do not believe I have ever seen an ugly rock.

Trade you one!

Flea said...

Oh very cool! On many fronts! One of my best friends in the whole world is a rock and fossil hound. I've only been out with her a couple of times, but the kids had a great time finding fossilized meg shark teeth in Tupelo, Mississippi. Her home also would never blow away. We keep saying that now that I'm in Tulsa we'll meet in Arkansas at a quartz mine and haul crystals home. *sigh* Someday.

I have a friend who's a massage therapist. Ordinarily I can't stand to be massaged, and she hurts when she works on my knots, but the un-knotting makes my migraines go away. I'd marry her if I weren't married. Well ... not really. But it works, as you can testify, and that's what counts, right?

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gail,

Yes, you're right.....and, I still feel straight now several days after the massage. Good deal!

I'm not sure I agree about never seeing an ugly rock. I've had to be involved with picking up rocks in fields many times, and lots of the rocks are nothing but ugly. But, I'm always on the lookout for colorful, interesting ones to bring to the house.

No, I bought the round wall plaque somewhere, and the lighted branches came from Target.


Hi, Poetikat,

Oh, I don't care for ANY of the sounds except nice quiet breathing, of course. Sometimes I retreat to the couch, but not very often.


Hi, Flea,

Fossilized shark teeth!! Very cool! In our area are several quarries which occasionally allow the public in to search for fossils. I've never gone, but I hope to eventually.

That's interesting about the massages helping your migraines. My sister-in-law gets migraines; its doubtful I could ever convince her that massages would help, but I may try to tell her about it.