Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The “Gift” of Massage

Last Christmas Eve, I was thrilled to receive two gift certificates to visit a massage therapist in our area……one certificate from my two youngest children and the other from “Miss Kitty and Betsy”. What affection they must surely possess to prompt the giving of such a thoughtful gift……so I thought......oh, so very naively......

Yesterday morning I had an appointment to use the first certificate. Upon arrival at her office, the therapist---with whom I’m casually acquainted---had me fill out a questionnaire. One of the questions was: “What is your reason for getting a massage?” I circled “relaxation” and also, “personal growth”. Hmm……that second one may have been a mistake. What is one way to experience “personal growth”? Yup……through PAIN!

As we turned to enter the massage room, the therapist said this: “For your information…….if you say or do anything inappropriate, I will kick you out.” I’m sure she's required to say that to everyone, but it caught me rather off guard. Without thinking, I blurted out, “Ok, I’ll try not to be inappropriate.” And, then I laughed. The therapist didn’t crack even the tiniest hint of a smile. Perhaps my fate was sealed right at that moment.


The massage room was dim, with soft music playing, a pleasantly-scented candle burning, the snowman water fountain gurgling, and that Aztec or Mayan pyramid photo looming ominously……(Didn’t they do human sacrifices at such places back in the bad old days?)

Soon I was comfortably situated face-down under warm flannel on a warm massage table. Heavenly! Then the therapist placed her lotioned hands on my back and began her work. Now tell me what you do in situations like that……do you talk or do you remain quiet? When I’m with talkative people I tend to keep quiet, but if I find myself with a quiet person, then I start babbling. Perhaps she wanted me to keep still, but I got the ball rolling by asking her where she took her massage therapy training. It seems the pain began right then……wow, she was really applying pressure around my shoulder blades. She told me she got started doing massages when she was a horse-trainer……and, I had no trouble believing that……I was quickly learning that she was a very strong girl.

Maybe I should have said, “Ouch……could you use less pressure, perhaps”, but I didn’t want her to think that I was a wimp. I instead asked her about the farmhouse and acreage she shares with her husband. That led to the therapist mentioning that she was trying to start a perennial flower bed. As her hands kneaded my back, I intermittently bit my lip and mouthed “Ow” sounds towards the floor and tried to distract myself by thinking of and saying the names of perennial flowers that grow around the house and buildings on our farm. Coneflowers…Black-eyed Susan…Butterfly plant…Phlox…Bleeding Hearts….which prompted the therapist to exclaim that she loved Bleeding Hearts, and I was worried that quite soon my heart might begin to bleed, actually, if she pressed any harder.


On and on it went……my certificate was for a half-hour......and the pain triggers were hit in the bulls' eye. Evidently, this was a “deep tissue” massage, not some paltry, shallow, half-hearted backrub, like I used to give during evening cares when I was an LPN eons ago. It could be that my back has a low threshold for pain......whenever I wear a shirt that has even the littlest bit of a tag, it feels like someone is pressing a bristly hairbrush on my upper back and neck. Those sensory nerves are working overtime, for some odd reason.

Finally, my time was up……no small relief, that’s for sure. How often haven’t I heard people speak of having been “through the mill”……well, this time I literally felt that way, too. But, the therapist surely knows what she’s doing and perhaps there will be therapeutic value to her intense working over of my back. Who knows……maybe she healed me of something. I know what you’re thinking……”Please heal Jeannelle of that disorder which causes her to write long, drawn-out blogposts.”

I’ll be interested to see how I feel in the days following this massage. The therapist encouraged me to drink “lots of water” the rest of the day. I’ll be keeping the ibuprofen bottle within easy reach, too. Please don’t let this single, isolated, iffy massage report pressure you into not getting one……a massage might be good for what ails you.


P.S. – We had fun meeting my daughter’s friend. They both look so young, it almost hurt my eyes. He is quite a conversationalist, and told me the supper was “awesome”. Yeah…..its always good to butter up the mom, especially a sore, aching mom.


Sempringham said...

I think the most polite response I could give to someone who says, "If you say or do anything inappropriate, I will kick you out" is "Likewise." I will reserve further comment. Hope you're feeling better today.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

my back is aching for you... I am not sure yet if it is jealousy or empathy for the pain. How far are you from Hannibal Mo? have I asked that before? whatcha doing the 6th-10th of April?

Gigi Ann said...

I have never had a massage and after reading your amusing account, I doubt I ever will. I hope you will be feeling better by next week. In the meantime, have a great Wednesday!

Nancy said...

I've heard having a massage can release a lot of toxins, so that's why she said to drink the water-she should have told you that and that some actually feel kind of sick for awhile afterward. As for the comment about being inappropriate-that's just weird! If you were a dirty old man maybe, but that really seems strange to me. You might want to tell her to go a little easier next time, unless you end up feeling great in another day. I'm glad the meeting with the young man went well. You didn't really say if you liked him. :)

Pat - Arkansas said...

Other than the strange "inappropriate" warning from the therapist, I am quite envious of your experience. Could I afford the expense, I would have a massage every week. I hope you recover soon and will enjoy the benefits of your next "torture."

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Poetikat,

Aw, shucks, that's nice of you to say....that you don't wish me healing in area of blogposting! (I don't wish it, either....its too much fun.)


Hi, Sempringham,

I was totally unprepared for her to say that. I shouldn't have tried to joke with her about it. It probably was perplexing to her.


Hi, Laura,

So you're visiting Hannibal in April? I doubt I could make it, but a fun thought. Now if you could drive up to Cedar Rapids, maybe.....


Hi, Gramma Ann,

Hold everything.....there's good news to sure to read my next may change your mind....


Hi, Nancy,

That's interesting about the toxins. It would have to be a good thing for them to be released, right? Hmm....maybe this massage concept is a good idea after all.

I'm sure they are taught to say that in massage therapy school....she probably feels stupid sometimes saying it, I suppose.

Gosh,'re just too perceptive concerning my daughter's friend. It all went well....he's very pleasant and polite. I'm hoping not too good to be true, you know what I mean. Just me being my usual initially uncertain about everyone. I need to find out more about his church, too. But, all in all, my impression of him is very positive.


Hi, Pat,

The type of massage I had yesterday would probably be best tolerated no more than once a month, I would think. She charges $25 for a half-hour session. I have one more gift certificate to use. At first I thought I'd throw it away, but I've changed my mind after awakening this morning feeling quite good. I'll elaborate in my next post.

sjm said...

Well, my feeling is that everyone should know that having a massage isn't for you.

I was gifted an afternoon at a "spa" once ... and I learned that I really like having someone rub my hands and my feet ... but they can stay away from the rest of me.

I used to be gifted having my nails done ... and there's always somebody who will gladly take that gift!

nonizamboni said...

hmmm...I'm not sure it is supposed to be like that but reading about your experience was actually a bit healing for me. Because I am always confused about how to 'act' in a given situation and always timid about expressing my pain.
I've thought of you a lot this week and fully intended to visit a St. Paul antique mall to find an old photo or two from MN that you might enjoy--unfortunately I've been car-less. Maybe soon.

DesertHen said...

Well I WAS thinking about getting a I'm thinking I will stay away so as not to be in pain!

I hope you are not in as much pain today. Have a nice long soak in a hot bath...maybe that will help...=)

Will you be using the other gift certificate anytime soon???

Jeannelle said...

Hi, sjm,

Hey....a foot massage sounds wonderful! And, you know, there are reflexology people who do therapy on feet. That surely couldn't be too uncomfortable.


Hi, noni,

Yeah, I probably should have voiced my discomfort to her. I'm not very good at that, either.

Hey, an antique mall sounds fun...which reminds me that the UNI-Dome antique show is coming up in a week or so. I enjoy browsing there every year....a nice outing for drab March. Yes, old photos are such fun.


Hi, Deserthen,

Maybe the trick is to visit with the therapist ahead of time to find out the type of massage they use. Actually, I'm not feeling too bad at all today and will post about that tomorrow. Thanks for stopping in....your life is very busy.

Gail said...

Your blog is like your food, "Awesome"!

Thanks for making me laugh, not at your pain, but in your telling of it.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Whenever Michael gives me a backrub, it always starts out hurting because I store a lot of tension in my back. I wonder if that's true of you. How have you felt as the day went on?

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gail,

Thanks for your kind words. I wouldn't describe my cooking as awesome, though.


Hi, Ruth,

Good point there. I've felt quite good today. Probably the massage hurt so bad because it was my first time having one like that.