Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sandbagged Ice House

Suddenly this morning, my slow brain recalled that somewhere in the wilderness of my photo files exists a few shots of the Ice House in Cedar Falls.

 ice 1

These were taken last June, shortly after the big flood.  The pictures are not the clearest, this second photo shows the row of sandbags around the base of the round Ice House.  Floodwaters did overtake the interior of the Ice House; some of the Museum artifacts were ruined, but not all.

ice 2

Here was the scene near the Main Street bridge…….long rows of colorful sandbags piled high.  Hundreds of volunteers sandbagged through a night to prevent downtown Cedar Falls from being flooded.

sand bags 1

sand bags 2

Ok, that’s all.  I have a busy day on tap……busy for me, anyway.  It will include my first back massage ever (a Christmas gift from my kids) and making supper for my daughter and her boyfriend.  I met him for the first time at the UNI play on Sunday.  He was in the show……he is a singer, ballroom-dancer, rock-climber…….and, believe it or not, a farm boy……from western Iowa.  Guess how they met……yeah, it was through rock-climbing. 

Have a great day!


Jeannelle said...

Hi, Poetikat,

We're having chicken parts for supper.....haha, just kidding. Lasagna is on the menu, with salad and home-grown corn and hopefully I will get some rolls baked.

Thanks for your concern for me along the riverbank. Truly, I wasn't THAT close to falling in. I may be an idiot, but not that much of one yet, anyway. :)

I just got home from the massage. Will post about it tomorrow.

Deb said...

I was going to say that the sand bags looked like raw meat! Guess I wasn't the only one who thought that!!!

Leenie said...

The Weather Channel is predicting a big storm in the Duluth area. If that is near your place, I hope you have not worn out your snow shovel yet. Only two weeks until spring! Yeah, the weather on the calendar is about as reliable as the weather on the tv.

Nancy said...

My daughter is a rock climber too. She's formed her own club in high school and is looking forward to being in the club in college too. It's called U Rock-I thought that was pretty clever. I hope there isn't the problem with flooding this year!

Caution/Lisa said...

Are you coherent yet after that massage? I'm going to live vicariously through you.


Jeannelle said...

Hi, Deb,

Funny what people see in pictures.....raw meat did not come to my mind until you readers mentioned it.


Hi, Leenie,

Thankfully, we don't live near Duluth. Tonight we're supposed to get strong winds, though and subzero wind chills. Yippee.


Hi, Nancy,

Hey, that's cool your daughter rock climbs, too. I could never have imagined my daughter would enjoy that, but you never know. "U-Rock"...that is clever. Maybe your daughter will meet a nice guy on the rock-climbing wall, too! Actually, my daughter can beat all the guys to the top.


Hi, Caution,

Well...the massage was no piece of cake and I required a nap when I got home, that's for sure.

My daughter called this afternoon and said her friend is really nervous about meeting us. Good grief. I told her to tell him that I am really nervous about meeting him....(mostly about having see our house for the first time. I mean, its nothing terrible, but its a farmhouse and very lived in.)

Country Girl said...

You've got to be very fit to do rock climbing.
Hope supper goes well. And how divine! A back massage! You better tell us how it went.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I hope that the dinner went well, and that everyones' nervousness went away, with good food and conversation. I understand your apprehension; you want to make a good impression on your kids' friends. Dairymary

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Country Girl,

Thank you for the good wishes! Divine...the back massage....oh, hahahaha.....


Hi, Dairymary,

And, thank you, too, for your understanding words. One of the more difficult parts of being a parent, in my opinion, anyway....meeting friends who might be candidates for marriage in the future. I could wish to be able to see into their soul.

Anonymous said...

I lived in Cedar Falls many many moons ago... the icehouse is such a great landmark on the Cedar River. Thanks for the memory.

The Blue Ridge Gal