Sunday, April 5, 2009

Colorful Prom Fashions

  The drabness of winter may still hold sway, but splashes of color were evident yesterday at the Prom Grand March in the high school gym:036 Family and friend packed the bleachers to gawk at the parade of dazzling fashions.  I was late and had to sit on the floor, but it turned out to be a good angle for getting shots of the dresses.

016 (2) Blazing orange seemed to be a favorite:025 There were a few wild prints to be seen, too.  My son says he heard a rumor that the dress in this next photo came from “out east somewhere”. 

012 (2) Eye-catching designs…..that’s for sure!  Color coordination is an important issue nowadays……the guys wear vests and ties which match the girls’ dresses and tresses.  One guy even dyed his hair from blond to black to coordinate with his date’s hair color! 

040 (2) The gym was decorated in a Hollywood Tinseltown theme:

Prom 09 007 My son and his date were one of the last couples to promenade down the glittery red foil runways.

This next scene gives some indication of the blusteriness of the day and evening.  Lots of cold shoulders given!!

Prom 09 072

The dance and the parent-sponsored post prom party were cut short by an hour each due to the sleet and snow which were forecast to move in by midnight.  Thankfully, all the kids got home safe and sound.

Sometimes I cringe and shake my head at prom because it involves so much seemingly wasteful expense.  My son said he had a great time, though.  He said, “It was a good experience to get all dressed up like that and act accordingly.”  (I hope he did.)


Haha…….the fashions have changed a bit since my high school prom days.  No bare shoulders or cleavage on display back then.  Don’t look for me in this photo; I’m behind the camera.  That guy in the back row must have been quite popular with the girls!

prom friends

(What are they now?…….3 accountants, 1 bookkeeper, 1 nurse, 1 museum curator, and 1 dairy farmer.)

To see me in a homemade prom dress (wow)……go here.



rhymeswithplague said...

A Prom Grand March! What a neat idea. Never heard of one before. Is it an Iowa thing?

Trish said...

I too have not heard of a grand march...oh my...what I am in for. And prom already? Yikes. My son is graduating this year too....thank goodness he is not too 'in' to it but the girls of his class have been planning for months and months of course. Hey...where IS the picture of you on your prom night? We should have a gander at that pic I am thinking. I think we would all relate to the style of clothing then so ...come on! Share please!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, rhymsie,

I don't know if its an Iowa thing. We didn't do grand marches when I was in high school, but they've been going on ever since my kids reached prom our school, anyway.

Its fun to see the kids all dressed up fancy. For the cost of everything, the prom might as well provide an outing for the parents and friends, too.

Gigi Ann said...

I've never gone to a Prom Grand March, but they have them at the high school here at Iowa Valley. The girls gowns are lovely, I especially like the black, white and turquoise gown. A lot of the gowns looked the same except in different colors. I love the vintage gowns in the last picture. LOL

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Trish,

Is your son going to prom? Have fun with it. Take pictures!

And, wha-at?? You want to see a pic of me in a prom dress? here to see me in my homemade dress:

Junior Year Prom Dress

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gramma Ann,

That's interesting....they do prom Grand Marches at your area school, too.

Yes, it was definitely a feast for the eyes to see all that color yesterday. I love the big flouncy tucked satin skirts, and liked my son's date's dress, too, with the sparkling sequins all over it.

nonizamboni said...

What a fun post, expecially from your 'angle.' Handsome couple your son and date too--her dress was fabulous.
But I most enjoyed seeing your prom dress and the old pattern.
Always fun to visit you!

Gail said...

The march is a wonderful idea. So much money was spent on those dresses and they wear them one time, more viewing, the more you get for your money.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Wow, it's like being at the Oscars. I loved the fashion parade.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Those are some dresses! Fashions have really changed since *my* prom, if one could call it that, since no "round dancing" was allowed. We just got dressed up and stood around and looked at each other, drinking ginger ale and eating cookies! LOL

Jeannelle said...

Hi, noni,

Thanks for stopping in! I couldn't resist posting some of the colorful dress photos.


Hi, Gail,

That's exactly right. And, it provides some enjoyment for the community.


Hi, Ruth,

Yes, you're right....with the Hollywood theme and all. I was impressed with the decorations.


Hi, Pat,

Oh, a fun memory you have there. What is "round dancing"....dancing with a partner? Or arms 'round each other? Cute! What a different time that was. We probably should go back to those rules.

alphabet soup said...

Those dresses are wonderful, like looking at a photoshoot from a fashion parade. Such rich colours and stylish designs.
And the seventies - what a contrast, demure dresses in pastel colours.

Ms Soup

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Beautiful Grand march! The colors were sublime and your shots perfect!

Flea said...

Holy cow. Bad memories. My junior prom dress was home made.

rhymeswithplague said...

Your state must be in a time warp. Sounds like Pleasantville in every way. Here, more and more, the parents send their kids in expensive limousines into the big city and pay for fancy hotel rooms so the kids can crash (and who knows what else) overnight because you wouldn't want them on the roads after all that post-prom drinking. I don't know whether they also supply the condoms, but probably.

How do we sign up for that time warp?

Debbie said...

Came to congratulate you on your win over at Caution Flag and loved your post today! Prom sure has changed hasn't it.

It's been 4 years already since my son's :(

Jeannelle said...

Hi, alphabet soup,

For sure the styles have changed over the years. And, we were so much more innocent and demure back in our high school days. I love that word "demure".


Hi, Poetikat,

I'm not a seamstress anymore, that's for sure, but sewing one's own clothes was really the rage when I was in high school.


Hi, boylerpf,

Well....thank you for stopping by and for your kind words!


Hi, rhymsie,

Interesting. I'm not sure we're in a time warp. There were no such things as parent-sponsored post prom parties back when I was in high school. There was more of what you spoke of.....the wilder people would rent a hotel room to crash in. I wasn't in those groups, though.

Parents around here nowadays want to make sure their kids stay safe on prom night. Maybe that's the same reason parents in your area rent hotel rooms....but, I'm more in favor of the alcohol-free post-prom party idea.


Hi, Debbie,

Thanks for stopping in! I was surprised and happy to win Caution's giveaway. Now I need to decide on a design for the wall-hanging.

Time does are right about that. My youngest child is in high school now, and I'm sure I'll miss all the activities after he's graduates. I try not to think about it.

Jeannelle said...

Oh, Flea.....I skipped you unintentionally. Sorry!

Have you ever posted a photo of you in your homemade prom dress? Please do!!

Country Girl said...

We don't have a prom march here, but it's really a good idea. I loved the angle for the dresses. That was fortunate for you, in the end! What a difference in the fashions. Oh, my.
And that dress didn't come from my area. Yikes.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Country Girl,

My knees got sore from kneeling on the gym floor, but it was fun to be down at that level for pictures. Yeah, that print dress was quite something.