The guy who plants our corn showed up yesterday afternoon. See how he steers his tractor to follow the dark line etched in the soil by the arm which extends from the side of the planter. That’s the secret to creating straight corn rows!
With his 12-row planter it took about 5 hours to plant our 73 acres of corn. There must be a math story problem in there somewhere.
He finished right about sunset, as a bank of clouds was invading the sky from the west. Rain is in the forecast…..hopefully not the gullywasher type which would wreak havoc in newly-planted fields.
Though blue-and-green is my favorite color combination, purple-and-green runs a close second. Yeah, it surely is the season for violets right now. Though they display lovely, delicate flowers for a time……we should not be deceived…….they are actually very aggressive weeds.
My son has had a fever, aches, and coughing for a few days, so he saw the doctor yesterday morning. After my son described the course of his symptoms, the first thing the doctor asked was if he’d been out of the U.S. lately! It must have sounded like flu, and possibly the notorious H1N1.
It was determined that he has the next thing to pneumonia; the doctor prescribed an antibiotic and sent him home for the day, with instructions against track practice or meets for a few days. What does my son do then but send texts and a Facebook message to his friends saying, “I have pneumonia!” Nothing like stretching the truth in an attempt to fish for sympathy.
He studied and watched TV off and on all day, and coughed, coughed, coughed. Golly, that grated on my nerves after awhile. The doctor had advised him to stay well-hydrated, so I kept vigil over his water glass, filling it regularly and pestering him to keep drinking.
Other than the excitement of corn planting and having a child stay home from school, yesterday was my day to work on paying bills…, fun. The encouraging thing is that milk prices apparently hit bottom in April and are just now beginning to inch up a bit.
My goal for this day is to bite the bullet and attempt to psyche myself up to mow the lawn for the first time. For some reason, I always dread that first mowing. Its like breaking a new trail or something, and then once the mowing begins it lasts until October. Hip-hip-hooray. Its becomes my main focus all summer long. Each mowing takes several hours, that’s what’s especially exciting about it. Of course, if the rain materializes today, it will provide a reprieve of one more day……and the grass will grow even shaggier!
Happy day to you!
My daughter has similar symptoms and is convinced she has swine flu. We'll be headed to the doc this morning. Well wishes for your boy!
Thoughts and prayers to your daughter, too! For all I know, my son may have had the new flu. He's feeling better this morning and has gone back to school. But, he will skip track today.
Glad he's doing better today. Lots of yucky stuff going around, and that bothers me because it's May. No more illness allowed now.
My mother's yard is covered in violets. She, too, thought they were pretty for a minute or so.
And lastly, thanks for the straight row lesson. I have ALWAYS wanted to know :)
I agree with you.....its too late in the season for flus to be making the rounds. Not good.
Have a great day. Stay well.
I had the flu just a couple of weeks ago and thought the exact same thing, that it was so late to be having flu, What's with all these nasty bugs going around anyway?
Love the cloud photo...
The Blue Ridge Gal
Your photos are great today! I like the green and yellow of the tractor against the brown earth of the cornfield.
I can figure out "acres planted per hour" but the missing piece of information in your description is "number of rows per acre"...
Mrs. RWP used to get bronchitis almost every year, and a few times it turned into pneumonia. No more sickness, though, since she began drinking hot, decaffeinated green tea laced with honey from local bees.
A heads up: My post for tomorrow, May 6, is not referring to your own blog in any way. You are one of the exceptions that proves the rule. Plus it is all rather tongue-in-cheek (my post, not your blog).
First, I'm glad son has recovered enough to return to school. "Almost-pneumonia" is bad enough; I hope he makes a quick and full recovery.
The corn planting photos are great! I just about went into mental meltdown, however, when contemplating the suggested math problem, especially when adding the factor of how many corn seeds are sown in a row. I am good at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; I don't blanche at the thought of fractions. But.... don't give me a word problem; i.e., "If it takes two men 5 hours to dig a hole 6'x6'x6', how long would it take ...." That sort of thing makes me run screaming into the night!
Lovely violets and beautiful sky. Looking down and looking up!! The cornerstone would have been a reading in many church denominations on Sunday. The short answer is I am not Lutheran. I hope this doesn't preclude me from commenting on your blog :-))
Ms Soup
Hi, Blue Ridge Gal,
The winter seemed to last so long, and spring has been cool---at least here in Iowa---and maybe that contribute to more bugs staying around.
Hi, rhymsie,
I used to just hate story problems back in grade school math classes.
I'm glad to hear Mrs. RWP found a remedy for staving off bronchitis and pneumonia. I've heard green tea is very healthful, but it tastes awful, in my opinion. That honey would make it better, though.
I stopped getting bronchitis when I started faithfully flossing my teeth everyday. People can pshaw, but I don't know what else to attribute it to.
Yikes, I'm wondering what your tomorrow's post is about.....
Hi, Pat, aren't required to do any story problems associated with my blog! All I was really thinking of was maybe, "How many acres does he plant in one hour?"
Thank you for the good wishes for my son!
Hi, Poetikat,
Hey, I'm happy for anyone who can get their lawnmowing done quickly. Good for you!
What! You've abandoned FB!? I'm staying on just to see relatives' photos now and then.
Hi, alphabet soup,
Oh, blog's motto should be: The more non-Lutheran readers, the better!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Great photos! Loved seeing the corn planting. Not something I get to see around here.
Please, please, no math word problems! I was terrible at them when in school...brings back frustrating memories...ACK!
I hope your son is feeling better soon! Feed him chicken soup and lots and lots of water....=)
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