Monday, May 18, 2009

Cuttin' Thru The Rye

(I don't know why the above text decided to link to the photo.)

Here’s a video. There was a strong wind blowing, so turn down the volume to avoid hearing the annoying noise from that.



Deb said...

I really love this photo. Who knew the contrast of greens were there just waiting to be reealed?
I can almost smell the fields of freshly cut rye...which is causing my eyes to water and nose to sniffle!

Anonymous said...

The neat thing about farming is the equipment used. There's a unique piece of machinery for every job. Sure would hate to do that by hand!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Gail said...

The colors and dimension are amazing! Good job to you and hubby.

alphabet soup said...

It's quite the green theme today eh Janelle?
I'm astonished at the speed with which the rye has grown!! It only seems like last week there was snow on the ground everywhere.
Ms Soup

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Deb,

That's one thing about many different shades of green to be seen.


Hi, Poetikat,

Thank you for the kind words. Green on green, definitely that's how it is around here right now.


Hi, Blue Ridge Gal,

Yes, farm machinery can be fascinating. Amazing how engineers can design all that stuff.


Hi, Gail,

Thanks for good wishes!


Hi, Ms Soup,

You're right....and, there's green background, too....I had almost forgotten that. Yes, rye does grow very fast in the spring. It likes cool weather, actually.

Pat - Arkansas said...

"If a body meet a body coming through the rye."

Couldn't help it; it's the first thing that popped into my mind. Nice photos, J. Nice stand of rye. I love the greens.