Monday, May 18, 2009

Meet Me In Grundy Center

grundy courthouse tower

You may be familiar with “Solomon Grundy, Born on Monday……”, but have you ever heard of Grundy Center, Iowa? The town of 2500 is the county seat of Grundy County, home to some of the best farmland in the world, so they say.

I was in Grundy Center last Friday afternoon and evening for the district track meet. Raindrops began falling shortly after the field events commenced at 4 p.m. I was umbrella-less, having somehow managed to forget mine at home.

colorful umbrellas

That absent-mindedness provided the perfect excuse for a brief foray into Grundy’s downtown, where I found a $2 umbrella at the locally-owned drug store. You get what you pay for---the umbrella proved to be uncloseable, once opened---but it did keep my head and shoulders mostly dry for the next few hours. Before heading back to Spartan Field, I snapped a few photos near the limestone courthouse. This statuary gal resembles her famous counterpart who stands in New York Harbor. The face seems quite different, though…..maybe they are distant cousins.

statue grundy It behooved me to not waste much time downtown, or I would miss seeing my son run and jump, but here’s one more architectural feature along Grundy Center’s main thoroughfare:

round window

I hustled back to the track meet and for the next several hours this was the view above my head:

umbrella Oh, look, its our friendly, neighborhood Earth Science teachers. They had forgotten their umbrellas, too, and had just bought these blue ones at the Dollar General Store on the edge of Grundy. Haha……I got a better deal than they did…..their umbrellas cost $5 apiece! Smiley-Guy on the left used to drive the milk truck which comes to our farm every other day; he and I would often discuss field rocks and prairie flowers. Then, all of a sudden last year, he decided to put his college degree to use and become a science teacher. How could he do such a thing! I miss our conversations.

dean ann You say you haven’t seen enough evidence of the alleged rain at the track meet……well, this next shot is offered as more proof. By evening’s end, my shoes and pant-legs were thoroughly mud-caked.

bleachers At this district meet, first and second-place finishers in all events earn a trip to the state track meet in Des Moines. One of the relays my son was in came in second by .03 seconds, though to my eyes it looked like they were third. Apparently, the eyeballs don’t have it when it comes to calling close races. The relay boys are ecstatic….they’ll be headed to Des Moines in a few days, and if I can find my way there, too, you’ll have to tolerate a blog report from Drake Stadium.


Accompanying me to the track meet were four baskets filled with wet laundry. I gambled that a town the size of Grundy Center would have a laundromat and I was not disappointed. The only question in my mind was: What brand of farm implements were sold in the past here in Petersen's building?

grundy laundry

Standing under several towering larch trees in the City Park was this one-room schoolhouse, labeled “Colfax #9”. It is also known as “The Herb Quick School”. John Herbert Quick grew up in Grundy County in the mid-to-late 1800’s and eventually authored several books. From childhood days, he had dreamed of being a writer: “I cannot remember when things that I saw and experienced did not appeal to me as the stuff of writing.” (Sounds like a blogger-wannabe.)

herb quick school On my way to Grundy Center, I had dropped my daughter off at UNI for her Camp Adventure lifeguard training. After the track meet, I picked her up at Jimmy John’s Sandwich Shop on “The Hill” near campus. Yeah, the scene is somewhat blurry, but what do you expect with “Extremely Fast Delivery”!

jimmy john


I'm writing this on Sunday night after a long day of cemetery-touring; a report about that will be filed in the next post. There’s just never-ending excitement around here. Have a nice day!



Gigi Ann said...

You do seem to lead a busy and fast paced life. But all in all it sounds like a wet and fun time was had by all.

I have never visited Grundy Center, never had a reason to, I guess? But enjoyed the trip with you!

Leenie said...

Woohooo! Congrats to the relay team for a job well done. One of the joys of the athlete's mom--after waiting for hours in nasty weather--is seeing her child to the end of the season. Thanks also for the extremely fast tour of Grundy. Nice architecture. Stop by and see the finished blue barn.

Nancy said...

I worked one day a month in GC many years ago when I worked for traveling child health clinics. Haven't been back since so it was great to see the pictures. Congrats to your son for making it to State! I'm sure he was very excited and considering his recent illness, it's quite an accomplishment. I sat at baseball on Sat. in my winter coat and gloves, brr. Hope it will be better tonight!

Caution/Lisa said...

I feel chilled after looking at those pix. Congratulations to your son and his team!! Your multi-tasking is very impressive, Miss Jeannelle.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

you are always busy! love the touring with you however :) cant wait to see and learn more.

Deb said...

Great eclectic collection of photos on a rainy it

Trish said...

Love the story as are such a great story teller. And the photos to match. Grin...the unmbrella...Ha!

DesertHen said...

Congrats to the relay team on going to state!! Job well done! Our Nevada State track meet is this coming weekend in Las Vegas..It will be 110 the days the kids will be running! They start the meet late in the afternoon and it goes until 11 pm at night. It will still be hot though! Our bosses wife is a track coach and will be in Las Vegas for memorial day weekend at the meet. I bet they would take rain over heat any day!

Wonderful photos of the old buildings!

Happy Monday...=)

sjm said...

When I hear "Solomon Grundy", I don't think of the nursery rhyme (I may never have heard it!), I hear the Crash Test Dummies' song "Superman" ...

The line is

"Superman never made any money

For saving the world from Solomon Grundy"

nonizamboni said...

What fun! I've heard of Grundy and now my interest is piqued for a little trip to Iowa--not far from MN is it?
Its always so much fun to visit your blog. I never know where you've been or what you're up to.
Have a great week :O)

rhymeswithplague said...

Will be expecting a photo layout of Drake and Des Moines in the near future!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gramma Ann, Leenie, Nancy, Caution, Laura, Deb, Trish, Deserthen, sjm, nonizamboni, rhymsie,

Thank you all for the kind and thoughtful comments the past few days.

sjm mentioned Solomon Grundy....I should have asked how many of you had ever heard that odd nursery rhyme or whatever it is. I learned it at a friend's house when I was in grade school. Never could figure out the point of it, but the websites explained its meaning...."the 7 ages of man".

Pat - Arkansas said...

I very much enjoyed your report on the visit to Grundy. There's some very interesting architechture in that town. Love your umbrella shots!

Congrats to the relay team. Have fun (and may the team have success)in Des Moines. I lived there for a very brief period in 1962. Saw rain, hail, snow and sunshine on the same day while I was there. Strange weather in Iowa. :)