Sunday, May 17, 2009


Today, my mom, my sister, and I will spend time prowling around in cemeteries…….weather permitting.  We’ll be hunting for gravestones of long-passed family members; now is a good time to do that, with Memorial Day approaching.

CemeteryTour3rd009 Old cemeteries are fascinating places……quiet and peaceful, too.  I enjoy pondering the tombstones, with their displays of meaningful artwork.  Below is an engraving that sums up Christian---and, more specifically, Lutheran---theology in a single scene.  Clinging to the Cross of Christ.  It graces an old gravestone in a Lutheran cemetery near Readlyn.  This was the first time I’d seen this particular design used. 

CemeteryTour3rd059 (4)


Have a pleasant Sunday!  If you have any extra warm weather sitting around gathering dust, send it to Iowa!



Country Girl said...

Warm and humid yesterday and today is chilly and raining here in Maryland. Decent weather for yesterday's Preakness.
Tombstone Annie would love this post, Jeannelle. Have a great day with your fam!

Gail said...

Tombstones are an art form all by themselves. Hope you had a great day out.

Anonymous said...

Warm yesterday, rained like a mad banshee last night and now again today. Our backyard is a true swamp. *sigh.. mother nature just doin' her thing I guess.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Leenie said...

It is nice to visit a cemetery without a knot of grief. At these times we are able to see the patina of weather and lichens left by time, and the new ones still shiny in the sun. Each grave has a story. You wonder.

Thanks for the address and stop by to see the finished work.

Anonymous said...

I love cemeteries the feelings there are powerful and of every kind.

I hope you enjoy the day.

Anonymous said...

I just love old cemeteries. It's like trying to look back in time. You wonder at the names and so on. I recall a couple of note. Three graves with old stone markers out in the woods, all by themselves...and a civil war veteran whose marker had gotten dislodged, and was lying off the to the side, flat. It was left there, no one knew where his grave had been it seems. Fascinating.

Gigi Ann said...

I have been taking a blogger's holiday this week. Finally, came by for a visit, and enjoyed all I missed this past week. The Blossom Catch-up was lovely and so beautiful.

The weather today in my corner of Iowa is cool and sunny. I think the rest of the week is to be in the 70s, I can't wait for warmer days.

Flea said...

I love your tombstones. :)

No warm weather here, but plenty of sunshine if you'd like some.

DesertHen said...

I have some lovely warm weather to send your way. We went from the low 70's to the high 90's in the span of just a few days! Yesterday it was just HOT! Today is supposed to be 95! The alfalfa is really starting to take off and grow!

I hope you enjoyed your Sunday? I enjoy walking through old cemetary's too.