Its Iris season! I have mixed feelings about Iris….for they often look rather mixed up themselves! The above photo is shown sideways because the awkward blossom looks better that way, in my opinion. The gangly, fragile petals of large Iris blooms---these are 6” or more in length---tend to flop around every which way, as if struggling to find their proper positions in life.
Don’t come to the incorrect assumption that I know much about Iris. I do not. Here’s an anatomical diagram with parts labeled. I wondered what those veil-like coverings over the fuzzy parts are called……they are “style crests”, I believe. Large Iris are very fragrant…..these bluish-purple ones seem to have a grape-like scent.
Can’t say that I’ve ever looked this closely at an Iris before. These large ones came from my grandmother’s back yard years ago.
We also have a patch of much smaller (4” across) yellow/gold/dark red Iris which have been here since my husband was a kid, and probably before that, even. We shifted them to a new spot due to a remodeling project a few years ago and somehow they managed to survive. Lemony is how I would describe the scent of these particular Iris.
What color and type of Iris do you have in your yard?
Have a pleasant Saturday!
Alas, I love Iris and don't have a single one in my yard. Could be that I haven't planted any!?!! They are totally unique and most quite large..the petal display is gorgeous!
My neighbor just dug some up from her yard last night and brought them over. She and I planted them along the driveway so can't wait to see them bloom next year since they are already done this year. She said she brought me some deep purple colored ones that were from her grandmother's garden many years ago.
BUT, gosh, I love your yellow one!
The Blue Ridge Gal
We had beautiful irises in our yard when I was a boy, thanks to the gardening talents of old Mrs. Mason, who owned the place before we did.
At our last house we planted stella d'oro lilies, but no irises.
And none here either. But they are among the most beautiful flowers on earth, in my opinion.
Thanks for showing yours to us all.
I love the close up pictures of your Iris' I never before looked at an Iris in quite that way. How great. I will go see if mine are still blooming and take a closer look. My Iris are a deep purple. Very beautiful.
I can't believe my word verification is an actual word, it is "eights"
My regular irises aren't quite blooming yet. I have some large yellow and purple ones I got from my MIL. I also have a lot of Siberian Iris. I brought a tiny clump with me from Iowa and they have multiplied like crazy so now I've divided them into many clumps. They just started blooming, so I'll post a picture soon. I also got some miniature iris when I was down to Iowa last weekend. They had already bloomed, but they look like regular iris except they're only 6-8 inches high. Yours look very pretty, I love the smell.
Ooooh! Gorgeous! I have only a few small white iris, that are the first flowers to bloom in my yard. They pale into insignificance compared to your gorgeous blooms. How's about I bring you some day lily fans and swap for a rhizome of that beautiful bronze iris? :) Love that color!!
love them they are beautiful... i have a box of bulbs that karen sent me do they need full sun??? I woudl love to plant them today!
Your iris are beautiful. I love the scent of those big tough flowers. My mother's garden had many varieties. My problem is---keeping the quack grass out of them. They grow together until the whole bed has to be dug up to separate out the weeds. Maybe in the future I will get some. Thanks again for the tractor magnets. :)
Lovely shot of your iris!
The iris at work are blooming. We have a memorial planter just outside the door and it is full of various flowers,(and weeds after years of neglect) iris being included. Those that are blooming now are yellow and a reddish/bronze color. Very pretty. The lilac bush bloomed and it was White! which was a surpise to us all.
I don't have any :( They have always looked so fragile to me that they make me a bit nervous. Isn't that goofy?
As usual, Miss J., your pictures are simply beautiful. Thank-you.
Jeannelle, THESE ARE BEAUTIFUL! Don't have any iris at the moment. I left my beautiful plants when we moved. Iris, peonies, so much more. But I can get more. And I can look at these. Great job.
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